Yellow bottom leaves! Help pls

So i ordered a kit for growing and purchased some blue dream and sour bubble clones. Currently the bottom of the plant area is turning yellow and brown. It is only the bottom section of the plant. The plants are also a light green. If someoen could give me some advice on whats going on id appreciate it.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey dont worry about it man, there prolly just in shock. feed em reg water for a week. do you have any pis?
kk well Idk what PsI is? and I will keep watering them. does anyone know a website where it can teach me everything about growing? Ive done alot of reading but this yellow just makes me nervous. I just replanted them on monday from the woolen clone station. Is there also a way to check for deficiancys in the plants?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
haha dude if you just replaned them, there going to be shocked. just dont worry about it. if its still like that in 2 weeks, worry. give them a stable environment and dont overwater.
Kk sweet man. I am new to this and trying to get the marijuana to be as potent as possible. You have any idea when a good time to start nutes is seeing as i just planted them monday. and also is there like a watering amount required or is it just go by top soil moisture. if theres an amount what is it a cup of water two cups a day? idk haha im new with lots of questions

Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey dude, my advice is take a bunch of time and read threads here on RIU. it tought me a shit ton, and i bet u can learn alot more that way than just asking... best of luck man