Yellow Yellow Yellow leafs


Active Member
Hey Buddies

I have a problem with my two ladies. Both are showing yellow leafs and I already had to cut 2 leafs of from both.

I guess I should give a little background on what i have them growing in. Well......................

The soil is a self made soil and it consists of the following:

*Topsoil from a petrified forest that burned down 80 years ago
*River sand from a river that has had no human contact
*Bonemeal from a ostrich that has been fed only organic food and who died from natural causes
*Coco Coir grown by a Malasian family
*Perlite that has been hand made by a farmer

I have started both seeds on a 12 12 light cycle because I am doing a micro grow. They are not rootbound and I have recently started feeding them flowering food (6:20:30)

Both of them is now 5-6 weeks into flowering and I thought it might have been that. I also flushed the soil with some Epsom Salt just to make sure that there was no nute lock.

Please. Any advice would be appreciated. Unfortunately I dont have a pic on me now to show you guys. I will take one tomorrow morning and post it here.




Well-Known Member
what nutrients are you giving them? this late into flowering, if your using flowering nutrients, a deficiency of N is common.

Where are they yellowing? from the bottom up? is it just a few leaves? the entire plant? on each leaf, is it starting from the tips and moving up the middle? or from the middle moving out?


Active Member
what nutrients are you giving them? this late into flowering, if your using flowering nutrients, a deficiency of N is common.Where are they yellowing? from the bottom up? is it just a few leaves? the entire plant? on each leaf, is it starting from the tips and moving up the middle? or from the middle moving out?
I am giving them some orchid flowering food (6:20:30) and every now and then I give them some guano tea. All the yellowing starts from the bottom up and its just a few leafs at the moment. Its almost like a typical flowering yellow. If I remember correctly, it starts from the inside and moves out. There's always a green edge when the leaf has turned yellow. Like I said, its prob in the 5th-6th week of flowering so its definitely a deficiency.


Active Member
Here is a pic (not the best pic ) of one of the leafs. Notice the green rind on the end of the leaf.

N difficiancy???IMG00396-20111219-0934.jpg