Yellowing from wire?


Well-Known Member
Ok, bare (sp?) with me on this one. I'm currently about ten states away from my grow and I have my old man taking care of my plants. He's never grown pot before and all info is being relayed through him; he doesn't even have a camera so I'm as blind as ya'll.

He called me today and said that when he trekked out to the spot today, he noticed that a lot of leaves were turning yellow on a couple plants. These were plants that were never topped and a strain (Angel Dust) that has almost no side branching. To save time and material when making fences I just wrapped six foot tall chicken wire around the pot they are in instead of putting down stakes and all that bullshit, so the diameter of the fence is the same as that of a five gallon pot, which nicely accomodates the plant.

Now they've gotten to where the plants are touching the chicken wire in some places and he's reporting to me that in those places the leaves are turning yellow. He seems to think it is the wire causing it. It is a little old and possible a little rusty, I can't really remember. I'm thinking that it is just older, bigger leaves that are touching the wire, and they tend to be the first to go in times of drought or deficiency. My question is, has anyone ever known (rusty?) chicken wire to damage leaves on contact, or do you all think it is more likely that it is just a coincidence and they'd be yellowing any way.

He thinks he should take the wire off, but I see deer in the lot about every other time I go out there, and I just know the day I do they'll go to town.

Sorry this was so long winded I just wanted to express fully my dilemma.

I hate not being able to put my hands on the problem.