Yellowing leaves 4 weeks in flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's nitrogen deficiency, or rootbound. I'm sure the plant's rootbound. Like I said it's 4 weeks into flower. If it's n deficient should I add a little nitrogen this far into flower? If it's rootbound should I try to get it in some more soil? I'll take some pictures later.

I'm happy with the growth it has done so far I'm just worried that it will die before it finishes. If I do nothing will only yield be affected? The buds are to the stage where they're about to plump up they've been growing pretty well I'd say for all the yellow leaves. The very upper most fan leafs at the top colas aren't yellowing however. I looked at the trichs, and most of them look milky it's a sativa. Will a dying plant ripen faster? I'm happy with everything so far from this plant I just want to make sure it finishes like it's suppose to.


Well-Known Member
After looking at it again, and seeing all those pictures I'm not going to go with any ferts. It has plenty of leaves still. I'm ready for this bitch to start plumping up. Mmm mm. Funny thing with me about trying to tell how green my leaves are I'm red green color blind. That doesn't mean I see in black and white on my red's and greens I just see a different shade than the normal person I guess.