yellowing leaves mid-flower?


Active Member
Had a slow transition to flowering, she was moved from outside to inside once she started to flower on her own. Then seemed to go back to veg for a week or so. Close to 60 days flowering.

The buds are forming nicely but not many trichomes yet. They really just started forming a few days ago.

Some of the lower fan leaves and other big leaves hidden in the mass of stem & bud are turning yellow and falling off. Anything I should be concerned about? I'm now using pure blend pro bloom at about 450ppm. I was using way too much at first and she got burned but has recovered nicely. How far should I let the yellowing leaves go before removing them? Wait until they fall? So far I've been cutting them once they look about like this.



Well-Known Member
Not to worry. The yellowing leaves are a normal part of the process during flowering. The plant is using less of its nitrogen energy to grow leaves and putting more energy into growing the buds. If you look at the NPK ratios of bloom nutrients they will usually be lower in N and higher in PK.


Active Member
That's what I was hoping someone would say :)

I've also got some smaller leaves close to the buds that are curling up. It isn't on all the colas, just a few. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
If my fan lower leaves aren't starting to yellow by about week 5 or so then I'll actually cut back the nitrogen even more. I expect a few of the lower fan leaves to die from low nitrogen levels (in first two weeks of budding I'll run nitrogen levels a little higher).

Your plants look great!