yellowing *pics*


Active Member
hey this is my first grow and these guys are turning a bit yellow. mind you it is only one side of the plant so possibly its the light? i have a 400w hps



Well-Known Member
Looks like you are pretty far along in flowering. Yellowing is normal late in flowering because the plant is using up the nitrogen in the leaves, don't try and fix it with extra ferts you'll ruin your crop.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it is from your lights just because of the certain leaves that are yellow. Nutes will burn the tips in more than 1 area. I think it looks fine. check the lights with your hand


Well-Known Member
You might have a pH lockout or nute def but they look pretty good for as far along as they are in flower. Looks mosly normal to me. I'd just give them plain water untill harvest and not worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Are you using a bloom enhancer like Big Bud or Kool Bloom? I've had these cause increased yellowing during that later stages of flowering. As long as you don't over do it these products can do great things for your flowers. Just be sure to give them a good flush because those bloom enhancers will leave a nasty flavor in the final flowers.

One thing to be careful of is BUD ROT. It's ugly stuff. If you get some really giant flowers going, take a tooth pick and pry them open a little bit on different parts of the buds. This will allow air circulation throughout the flowers and stop botrytis (bud rot). One a couple occasions I've had flowers the size of my forearm and when they were harvest I found out that the insides were grey and crumbled from botrytis. That little toothpick trick was given to me by an veteran grower and I have never had bud rot ever since.


Active Member
thanks guys. the lights are pretty far away from those leaves, 12"to 15" at least. I have been using some miracle grow (i know i know) nutrients in small doses but mostly just filtered tap water. So far I am around day 50 -58 for flowering. ( i had to leave these guys for a week outside when i was away) I figure its closer to the day 50 mark.