Yellowing starting at tips, moving to outter edges. Help!


System: Ebb Flow, GH Nutrients at 1/2 strength.
Age: Clones 2 weeks old.
Ligthts: Sunleaves Pioneer VIII 24/7
Water: Hard well water 240ppm calcium
PH: 5.8
PPM: 700
Media: Grow rocks

I have run through a couple of grows now in my setup. I have had my share of problems but have yet to see anything like this. I thought maybe I burned them at the onset because it is starting at the tips, so I ran straight tap water and the problem got worse. I foliar sprayed mg but have not added any to the rest thinking that may be the problem, I just need you guys opinions since you got me to where I am today as far as being able to grow. Since they rooted the plants have grown rapidly, the new growth is very light, and have been having the same issues. Ignore the very yellow lower leaves, they were being sacrificed to support new growth as the roots were not developed enough when I transplanted them. Thank you guys and ladies for your input.



Well-Known Member
I see alot of deficiencies,, phos, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. add some nutes.. A nutrient tea and foliar spray will get them back quick..

for 5 gall of water
3 tbsp molasses
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
1/4 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup crab meal
a couple handfuls of worm castings
brew / aerate for 1-2 days then water with that.

foliar with kelp meal (strain and use kelp water) and aloe vera


I see alot of deficiencies,, phos, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. add some nutes.. A nutrient tea and foliar spray will get them back quick..

for 5 gall of water
3 tbsp molasses
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
1/4 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup crab meal
a couple handfuls of worm castings
brew / aerate for 1-2 days then water with that.

foliar with kelp meal (strain and use kelp water) and aloe vera

Thank you for the response. I cannot use that as I am running hydro, unless there is something I do not know yet. I have been using GH 3 part.


Well-Known Member
why do I keep getting these hydro guys lol.. I though that was soil not pebbles. I think you can use it. But you have to strain it a few times. If you don't feel like experimenting then add more nutes that have everything I stated up above.. Sorry I do living organics so my method of growing is recreating nature..


Thanks, I will up the nutes. I would like a hydro guy/gal to come by and see if they know too. If I do not hear from them I will switch my res tonight. Thanks hyroot :) Much love!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bad Mg def 2 me. Upping your nutes may or may not help. I use the same at around 600ppm to 700ppm, tap is 220 ppm, Epson salt 1g/gal. I find when I use GH I always have a Mg def and have to add some Epson salt.