Yellowing the 1st 2 days of flowering


I started 12 12 cycle 2 days ago and the all the plants started yellowing at the very to where new leaves grow. I been feeding them very light grow big 1/4 teaspoon per gallon every 2 waterings. Plants did not do this till I started the 12/12. Any suggestions



Well-Known Member
Just some friendly advice: you will get much better advice if you post in the Marijuana plant problems forum and give as much info as you can - there is a list of things stickied on the forum.

And with pics. If you can take pics with your grow lights off. it will be much more helpful.



Well-Known Member
Be helpful if the light wasn't on if you want any input on what the issues are. Also any additional information and specs can be helpful, such as grow medium, light size, etc. Based off your post though, I would assume they are hungry.


Best of luck of with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Soil potted plants usually require vegging nutrients for the first two weeks before switching to flowering nutrients or they can yellow too early but usually it's not till later on like week 2 or 3 that these symptoms creep in, by then allot of big fan leaves fall off or just yellow up and it will tremendously slow down the floral growth.

If you flushed them before the flip and added flowering nutes right away that can cause the yellowing too.

Also adding cal mag early on in flowering can help in the first 3 weeks since they are rapidly growing and stretching and have increased need for these micronutrients and the added benefit of a little bit of nitrogen to keep them green.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't add any flowering solutions yet
It doesn't matter if you add flowering nutes or not, when you switch over to flowering your plant is going to stretch and have new growth that comes out yellow. You even mentioned your plants didn't do this til you switched so it just holds up to reason this is little more than fresh growth. Hell I got mine in fox farms ocean forest giving nothing but water and cal-mag and I still get yellow growth but after a few days it turns a healthy green.

Relax man, the more you worry the more likely you are to hurt your plant. Seriously your plant looks amazing. Just start it's flowering nutes at 1/2 recommended strength and slowly build up from there as you move forward.


It doesn't matter if you add flowering nutes or not, when you switch over to flowering your plant is going to stretch and have new growth that comes out yellow. You even mentioned your plants didn't do this til you switched so it just holds up to reason this is little more than fresh growth. Hell I got mine in fox farms ocean forest giving nothing but water and cal-mag and I still get yellow growth but after a few days it turns a healthy green.

Relax man, the more you worry the more likely you are to hurt your plant. Seriously your plant looks amazing. Just start it's flowering nutes at 1/2 recommended strength and slowly build up from there as you move forward.
I also have it in fox farms soil thanks brother cheers


Well-Known Member
I also have it in fox farms soil thanks brother cheers
Sweet, good choice man. Did you happen to mix yours with anything? I added a lot of extra perlite to mine, I didn't like how little my bag had mixed in initially. Also if you look here you can see where my new growth is also pretty yellow, I'm into my second week of flowering with these ones. I'm hoping the back left is a female, no sex showing as of yet. asdf.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah yellow tops on the new growth in flowering means you're getting it right. I use a little Botanicare Cal Mag Plus 10ml per gallon with RO water, I usually add 5ml with 0 ppm water all the time except during flush


Sweet, good choice man. Did you happen to mix yours with anything? I added a lot of extra perlite to mine, I didn't like how little my bag had mixed in initially. Also if you look here you can see where my new growth is also pretty yellow, I'm into my second week of flowering with these ones. I'm hoping the back left is a female, no sex showing as of yet. View attachment 3657451
No I did not mix it with anything but u were right I check this morning and the yellowing was almost gone. I'm surprised ur two weeks into flowering and no sex has shown.


Well-Known Member
No I did not mix it with anything but u were right I check this morning and the yellowing was almost gone. I'm surprised ur two weeks into flowering and no sex has shown.
Happens I suppose. I'm going to treat it like a princess all the same until I know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Do u know what these spots are they are showing up in just this one middle leaf, it's not fungus my air flow is good
My plants have gotten the same on a few of the leaves.

It's not harming mine though, so I wouldn't worry about it.

I tend not to worry about a lot of things. One curled or dying leaf doesn't bother me. A few spots here and there are ok. No grow is perfect but so long as the majority of my plant is carrying on nice and healthy I don't mess with them otherwise you're just going to upset your plants should you try to tend to and fix every minor spot and error you see.