

My marijuana plant is starting to turn a little yellow.
Well, not completely yellow, but its fading from green. I water it like I should, and I give it light/dark when it should.
Any diagnosis?


It's also an inch, maybe two inches high, and its been two weeks. Is that normal? or is there something missing?


First lets start with the basics- lighting, food, air and water. What kind of lighting are you using? How far are your plants from the light? In my opinion I would keep them under flo's (3-4 inches from light) until they are about at least 6-8 inches tall, then move them to your hps lighting if your using that type of lighting (p.s. don't fall into the hype of new LED's, they suck and don't produce the lumens this type of plant desires). Second lets talk about the medium that you have them in? Are you using a store bought brand like miracle grow or something to that effect from say like walmart or homedepot or are you using professional grade mix? Store bought brands like the ones I mentioned aren't very good because they use cheap ingredients and most of the food in them are time released which you don't want, you want to know exactly how much your feeding your ladies and exactly when your feeding them. Let the pots dry out completely betweed waterings, just lift your plant and you can pretty much tell by the weight when they need watering, over watering will fuck up your ladies, the roots don't like to stay wet all the time. I've been gardening for about 9 years and have tried all different types of food from the cheapest to the most expensive and found that you get exactly what you pay for, go with a good line like fox farm, AN, botanicare ex..... Do a little research on different foods, the net is a great place to find lots of info on this subject. If your plants are yellowing it depends on where the yellowing in starting, if it is starting from the bottom and moving up that usually means that you have a nitrogen def which means you need to get those ladies more nitrogen, if the yellowing is consuming your whole plant then you might have a nute lockup from feeding them too much, when they are babies they don't need full strength feedings, start with about half the recommended dosage and go on from there. If this is the case then you shoud flush you pots with plain water and feed with half strength, and let the soil dry completely before next watering. Next what is your air quality? Do you have them in a closet, open room, window or what. Plants need fresh air and co2(which is in fresh air) to grow, which in mother nature is naturally available but inside you have to mimic mother nature. Make sure you have a fresh air supply either from outside or supp co2. Last things we will talk about now is heat? What is the temp in you area, should be between 72-80 degrees f, high and low if possible? Venting your room is very important to remove heat, fans work great but you need somewhere for the hot air to escape to. One last thing you might wanna test your water for ph and other things that could be causing problems like hard water, chlorine content and so on because if your water quality is shitty then your plants won't be able absorb the food from the water, the plant will just lock it out. The best advise I can give you is to grow every day of your life, read every bit of info you can and the most important thing is that you will learn from trial and error, you will learn to be able to see what your ladies need just by looking at them. And make sure your using good genitics and work with the same strain til you know that strain in and out and then you will be successful. Hope this helps.....


Well, I'm growing under some CFL's: 120V and 14W
It is in a closet.
As far as soil goes, it is Miracle Gro.
The brand of nutrients I am using is called Uncle John's.
I have a box fan blowing in the closet, with the closet door open.
The lights are about an inch, maybe an inch 1/2 away from the plant its self.
Thats about all the details I can provide.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm growing under some CFL's: 120V and 14W
It is in a closet.
As far as soil goes, it is Miracle Gro.
The brand of nutrients I am using is called Uncle John's.
I have a box fan blowing in the closet, with the closet door open.
The lights are about an inch, maybe an inch 1/2 away from the plant its self.
Thats about all the details I can provide.
14w of cfl will not go very far, though you might get by for another week or so
the more pressing problem is likely the soil and nutes
if this is miracle grow potting soil with the time release nutes and you are feeding it nutes, it's probably way too much, plant is burning(probably)
picture is needed to make a better call


Well-Known Member
does look like it's a bit cooked, the brown tips on the 1st set of leaves is pretty classic MG burn
if you water MG soil too heavily, it release more fertilizer which is the killer of many plants on this forum


does look like it's a bit cooked, the brown tips on the 1st set of leaves is pretty classic MG burn
if you water MG soil too heavily, it release more fertilizer which is the killer of many plants on this forum
I was wondering why it did that at first. But I let it go, on account of me having the light too close.
But your theory sounds far more reasonable. So, what I do is; water when its completely dry?

Anything else to recommend?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why it did that at first. But I let it go, on account of me having the light too close.
But your theory sounds far more reasonable. So, what I do is; water when its completely dry?

Anything else to recommend?
you can try that, may take a while for plant to recover
transplant is more drastic, but is more 'thorough' in that you remove the source of the burn, the preferted soil
many grow with MG soil here, and do it well


you can try that, may take a while for plant to recover
transplant is more drastic, but is more 'thorough' in that you remove the source of the burn, the preferted soil
many grow with MG soil here, and do it well
Is that MG as in magnesium, or, Miracle Grow?
You had mentioned transplanting, What size pot do you recommend?
Sounds like I totally fucked up a perfectly good plant.


Well-Known Member
Is that MG as in magnesium, or, Miracle Grow?
You had mentioned transplanting, What size pot do you recommend?
Sounds like I totally fucked up a perfectly good plant.
MG as in Miracle Grow soil
pot size depends on your plant size, 1 gallon of pot per plant foot
it's a learning experience, you now have some experience, MG soil can be used, but caution is needed in watering, too much water with MG soil can burn(strange but true)
my 1st plant got cooked in MG preferted soil, i changed to organic soil after that, organic is much more forgiving with respect to burning


MG as in Miracle Grow soil
pot size depends on your plant size, 1 gallon of pot per plant foot
it's a learning experience, you now have some experience, MG soil can be used, but caution is needed in watering, too much water with MG soil can burn(strange but true)
my 1st plant got cooked in MG preferted soil, i changed to organic soil after that, organic is much more forgiving with respect to burning
Thanks for the tips. I'm using a little more wattage for light bulbs, and she is looking MUCH greener :leaf:, I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
not for long, that was a 60w equivalent, 14w actual cf?l
you really need the 26w cfl's(100w equivalents), real cheap in a lot of chain stores
42w cfl's are also popular


not for long, that was a 60w equivalent, 14w actual cf?l
you really need the 26w cfl's(100w equivalents), real cheap in a lot of chain stores
42w cfl's are also popular
I actually went from 14w CFL to 60w CFL.
Was that a poor choice?