Yes on #2


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to remind everybody who lives in MA to vote yes on #2 on tuesday! The Decriminalization of up to one Ounce of Marijuana. HELL YA!!! %75 of recent polls say their voting for it. One step closer....


Well-Known Member
booya. i live in canada but it's good to hear all the good news comin from the states.

keep on fightin!


Well-Known Member
Sent in my absentee ballot a few days ago! Wicked Pissah if you ask me. It took long enough, and hopefully the people of Massachusetts realize that its ridiculous to ruin peoples lives because they had some weed.


Well-Known Member
rather not say in particular but about hour away from boston. Got a couple little seedlings goin. Grew outside for a while but with prices the way they've been i decided to go indoors.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im a little ways outside of Boston half hour or so. My outdoor grow of early misty, top 44, and some random bag seed sadly met its demise. a month ago or so.:cry: