Yield Increase?


Active Member
How much for cheap Co2 system? Friends got three plants going in Veg still and last harvest was not that great 1 because light is only 250 watts and 2 no Co2. How much is he gonna have to spend to get a better yield next time.


Active Member
sorry not much for answerers on this one...(try yeast based co2 kit)

what i want to know is has anybody enriched roots with oxygen like co2 for the air?


Well-Known Member
they have enriched the roots tricho... it's called HYDROPONICS.
cloud9- I'm not sure of the costs and whatnot of the co2 systems, but I'm pretty sure for the cash it would take to get one going, plus the refills on the tank(s), u could get another light and increase yeilds that way. Maybe get another 250 watter and run the two lights? Just an idea ya know? ...I was thinking about doin the co2 setup a while back, and it just seemed like too much of a pain in the ass to go through for my little grows, 2-3 plants at a time. Another thing that may help a bit, for yeild, is to try to keep everything perfect in the plants environment as much as possible. Temps, humidity, ph, watering, etc...

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
For Cloud9nine:

Get a 1l bottle, cut off 1/3 of the top, fill with water, add 1 full tablespoon of dry yeast and 2 full tablespoons of sugar and mix gently. Place the bottle close to your plants. Such a simple co2 generator produces enough co2 for 4-5 plants. You will need to change the whole thing once every 2 weeks. Or if you want to be professional (although in this case, I don't really think it's worth it, since suck a DIY co2 generator works awesomely) go to a pet store and buy a co2 tank. They're usually used for aquariums to add co2 to the water. It will cost you more than the simple yeast mix.

For trichomemonger:

Buy one of those air pumps usually used to add oxygen to aquarium water. Let it pump some air in your water for some 5-15 minutes depending on pumps power. This will enrich your water with oxygen. Also, to maintain a good oxygen level in your soil or hydro grow, always add perlite or, if you can't find perlite at your plant store, go for cat sand or whatever it's called (the stuff cats poop and pee in.) There are some specific, cheap ones that are actually perlite.

PS: for more info on improving your yeald check this thread out:



Well-Known Member
before investing in co2, try to make sure you have about 40 watts per square foot for indica plants. also, you have to have a very temp controlled room for co2 to be efficient. i have just read a lot in the past, get everything else in the grow room optimal.. add co2 as the last addition because it wont give you the great results unless everything is running primo..


Active Member
they have enriched the roots tricho... it's called HYDROPONICS.
thank you for elaborating, but thats not what i was getting at. i will elaborate for you. i was suggesting something more like an oxygen tank connected to an air stone. or maybe one on slow-release along with your regular stone for a little boost. turns out this is a practiced method already, using h2o2 but im sure you already knew that


Well-Known Member
CO2 is the last thing you ned to add to a grow room. Your should just get a 600 watt HPS and you'll get solid yields, also buy some quality nutrients.


Well-Known Member
thank you for elaborating, but thats not what i was getting at. i will elaborate for you. i was suggesting something more like an oxygen tank connected to an air stone. or maybe one on slow-release along with your regular stone for a little boost. turns out this is a practiced method already, using h2o2 but im sure you already knew that

Thank u for elaborating as well. I will now elaborate myself, the hydro thing was kind of a joke all-be-it not very funny. Now back to u, lol


Well-Known Member
Damn there sure is a lot of elaboration going on . hope i didn't elaborate to much.......lol..............


Active Member
sorry, and thank you for the lol. it lightens the mood. I have just been getting annoyed by people attacking every little question on this site, especially with the newbs. they are dumb, thats why they are newbs. just like everybody else used to be at one time. that and i was smoking resin yestarday, i guess this must be what PMS is like...lol


Well-Known Member
hey trich, did u see that thread a couple weeks back? Think it was called 'wtf are you people thinking?' It was geared strictly towards bashing newbs. I don't even think that thread was around for a whole day, there was sooo much shit talkin the thread got closed, and the guy got himself banned as welll for talkin even more shit to one of the staff members. Maybe i seem to be a noob-basher or something, but i assure u i'm not. We were all noobs once like u said, i just try to help some people out cuz I know i got a bit of help from here myself in the beginning. guess u could call it good karma.:peace:


Well-Known Member
for the amount of light you have, CO2 is not going to pay for itself.

It works fantastic, but only when you use it correctly. And that takes $.

I started a great thread on it that simply will not be stickied. Why? Not sure given all the bullshit advice and mystery about co2.

Its called "the real scoop on co2"