yielded 4.1!!


Active Member
i yielded 4.1 with 20 plants under 3600w in bubbler buckets. is that pretty good or should i be able to yield 5lbs with that much wattage? i just feel like i should be able to yield 5lbs. i had like 4 or 5 runts out of the 20. maybe my expectation is too high!!! let me know what you guys think!!


Active Member
yea 4.1 dry! and yes they were from clones. grapefruits!! i help my friend set up exactly the same way and he had only 3000w and he pulled 4.5lbs of 18 plants. so i should be able to get more then 4.1 in my opinion. my clones were a little week so i'm a try again but with stronger clones.