Yielding quick...


Active Member
Im only going to veg for 5 weeks my plants are staying small and bushy. This is my first grow im not expecting alot live and learn i guess. But who keeps theres small and bushy mine right now are only about 6 inches tall but there bushy who does this also and what kind of yields did you get i have a 4 plant set up but its bag seed so i could get screwed with males.


Active Member
and those plants in the background are stunted for some reason can anybody tell whats wrong with it its droopy it looks like a too much water symptom but its grown in a dwc any suggestions.


Active Member
Like i said its my first grow live and learn what to do think i should do to correct them know they have a mild nute burn but what else.


New Member
Id be letting them dry out with some water when they are real thirsty.
I hope you get more feed back as they are not good.


Active Member
I had bought a 3 part flora nutrient set my dwc is very small b/c i dont want big plants the tub holds a gallon of water small i know... But i like it that way. I'm not trying to yeild alot just trying to get the most for my space for this is all personal. I can deffantly say that they look over fed but whats the best cure for this and... How much should i give my plants the tub only holds a gallon of water and ive only been giving them like 1/8 of a teaspoon is it possible that this too much? I got this off ebay, the directions say 1/4 teaspoon of each makes a gallon but and 1/8 of one seems to be doing this im too scared to give it more than that. I had flushed it out yesterday cleaned out the algae and gave it fresh water and barely an 1/8 of nutes it did seem like it perked up but i had to cut off a bad leave. Could completely flushing it out and not giving it nutes for a week be good? Is it worth a try to help the plant re-coop i thought i read somewhere that tap water usually has a ppm of 250 maybe im wrong and thought i read this.


Active Member
I had to trip off a few yellow leaves ugh :( they are still growing very well. When i look at my progress pics in my journal they seem to be growing very well i have almost 11k lumens in a 10x12x36in box so im sure thats plenty :). I did flush out my box scrub it and did give it a little less nutes i guess time will tell in a couple days i went and checked them this morning and they drank a shit pile of water like a quart and a half at least. So they must of enjoyed the water and the less nutrients alot better.