YIKES....one out of four lights was on for forty five minutes during lights off time


Well-Known Member
those fucking manual timers piss me off... you have to be so careful not to hit them and click a few of those things to the on mode. my "partner" apparently fucked something up when he went in there.

i am five weeks into flower and now scared shitless that those are going to hermie. i highly doubt they will re-veg considering it was only forty five minutes, but i am curious if i should now alter their light schedule or just keep it as is i'm guessing? i'm going to keep a close eye on them but realistically how much of a risk is it going to pose? i hope it would take more than once to send them into hermie mode but this has never happened to me before.

any experiences, comments, concerns, opinions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well.... a buddy of mine left his door open during the day and that turned the whole lot hermie.... but 45 minutes.... I have a hard time figuring that's going to mess them up. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
It may not even have been forty five minutes, I saw a few of the little clicky things in the incorrect position... I was pretty furious right away and instead of looking to see how long the light was on when it wasnt supposed to... I clicked them to the off position and then proceeded to yell at the person who helps me out.

Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
i had mine screw up for almost 4 hours,every one advised me no problems dont change the light times and they were right,all turned out good.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's good to hear. What strain were ya growing? I'm doing an AfGoo mix... lots of cross breeding so it may not be AS stable as some strains... just going to keep my fingers crossed. How long will it take for me to notice signs if they do hermie? I'm gonna be watching those fuckers like crazy.


New Member
they should be fine man. for my whole first grow i didnt even use a timer. just an alarm clock in case my ass was asleap when the lights were supposed to be on or off. man i have no idea how that plant actually ever flowered. lol


Well-Known Member
I feel ya, just forty five minutes of light during their off cycle cant do much besides confuse the shit outta em. WE shall see! keep ya guys posted.


Well-Known Member
I have x10 appliance modules and create timer macros all based on the computer time. 3 modules for $25 delivered 15 amp grounded. The software and first module cost about 40.00 delivered I have 7 modules and have yet to have a problem you can create timers that go down to the seconds. Pretty sweet and everything can be turned on and off any time at your pc.



Well-Known Member
yeah this is an old thread.. but ppl dont have anything to worry bout with having the lights on for that short of time. my plants go alittle longer in the dark period while switching over flowering areas n nothin happened..