Yo important.

Dr. GreenBud

Active Member
Can someone tell me when tha plant starts smelling cuz my dad is crazy and would kick me out tha house if he smells my plant
Thnks in advance


Well-Known Member
then don't put your dad's house at risk of being seized by the damn gvnmnt.

look for an outside place, away from your people.


Active Member
Dude you gotta do that on your own if your parents are against it cause it is your deal not theirs!Wait til summer go hikin do some outdoor JUST DONT FORGET WHERE THEY ARE!Look 4 water cover other plants and definatly no people your best bet Forest with a creek or river and remember if you can find it someone else will!


Active Member
i was in ur position at 16..it definently is NOT worth it! because not only could your family loose their house but you could get thrown in juvi or ticket..whatever..u would be fucked too..

but hear is something that helped me chill on the whole "wanting to grow"phase when i was younger...:

Marijuana has been around since the begging of time..im pretty sure its not going anywhere.


Well-Known Member
you should tell your dad to get bent and you will do whatever you want. if he gives you any b.s. call child services and tell them he hits you.


Active Member
lol if u dnt want to get caught build a green house out in the forest or just plant outdoors. i have a big thing of woods out by where i live(also a lake ) so thats where i plan on planting them. Otherwise just wait.


Active Member
I have to say this, when i signed up for this site it said explicitly in no uncertain terms.... no minors. You have to be over 18 to post in here. I think giving people advice is great, but advising minors on this is crossing a line. How do you report posts to the moderators, its this sought of thing that gets sites like these closed down. i might be speaking out of turn but this doesnt feel right.


Well-Known Member
I have to say this, when i signed up for this site it said explicitly in no uncertain terms.... no minors. You have to be over 18 to post in here. I think giving people advice is great, but advising minors on this is crossing a line. How do you report posts to the moderators, its this sought of thing that gets sites like these closed down. i might be speaking out of turn but this doesnt feel right.

chill,he will be banned.


Well-Known Member
This damn thread is from 2007!!!! LMAO he hasnt been on since 07 and if he was 16 then he is 18 now so who cares!!!!