You can help decriminalize marijuana. Without getting up!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody much love goes out to you all!
I am here to inform the uninformed about our President Obama's website
Please take the time to register and VOTE!
The top ten ideas will be presented before congress. Decriminalization of marijuana is already one of the top ten, but we need more votes to help insure our voice is heard!


Well-Known Member
everyone on this site should do it......the worst that can happen is it doesn't get on the top 10 but EVERYONE SHOULD VOTE SO IT DOES


Well-Known Member
Even if you voted a while back, (especially if you voted a while back) you should vote again!
All of those votes for those ideas have been reset to ZERO! That was the preliminary (first) round!
Now we are in the Final round! A bunch of ideas that didnt get voted for have been cut, these ideas now are the ones to be considered!
please RE-VOTE


How is voting on some guys blog going to create change? It's not like the politicians are listening. Send the top ten list to the house of reps with about 300 $50,000 checks and we might get them to decriminalize marijuana. Sites like that are preaching to the choir. If you want something done in our fucked up political system created by greedy, rich, white men, you need some lobbyists and a union. Just ask the board of education, they are the most powerful cartel in America now and could pretty much create or abolish any law they wanted. And yet our kids have never been dumber. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girls!


Well-Known Member
How is voting on some guys blog going to create change? It's not like the politicians are listening. Send the top ten list to the house of reps with about 300 $50,000 checks and we might get them to decriminalize marijuana. Sites like that are preaching to the choir. If you want something done in our fucked up political system created by greedy, rich, white men, you need some lobbyists and a union. Just ask the board of education, they are the most powerful cartel in America now and could pretty much create or abolish any law they wanted. And yet our kids have never been dumber. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girls!
thats the defeatist attitude that so many have. You negative people are the reason it is not decriminalized and our fucked up political system....IF ENOUGH PEOPLE GET BEHIND ANYTHING IT CAN people who sit here and just say "nah its never going to happen dont waste your time" are losing this battle for the rest of us who believe change can happen


thats the defeatist attitude that so many have. You negative people are the reason it is not decriminalized and our fucked up political system....if enough people get behind anything it can people who sit here and just say "nah its never going to happen dont waste your time" are losing this battle for the rest of us who believe change can happen
go get em tiger! I'm a realist. I was just wondering how this list was going to help? It seems like a distraction. Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling like you voted and you created change from your couch, but it keeps people from putting forth the effort real change requires.


Well-Known Member
go get em tiger! I'm a realist. I was just wondering how this list was going to help? It seems like a distraction. Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling like you voted and you created change from your couch, but it keeps people from putting forth the effort real change requires.

ok so what are you doing to put fourth real effort? realist is a cover for defeatist......a negative attitude helps nothing.....sometimes thats all people can do is vote on a website and how the fuck do you know im not out active in my community for decriminalization?

are you a political scientist? are you a leading authority on what will and will not change? I think you are just a negative person......a saying comes to mind.....misery loves company......maybe thats why you feel the need to post negative things about the legalization of a drug you are growing?


Well-Known Member
It's a well known fact that a large percentage of the American public supports de-crim but it does not seem to change much . . . .


Well-Known Member
It's a well known fact that a large percentage of the American public supports de-crim but it does not seem to change much . . . .
we have 14 states that have medicinal marijuana laws. the federal government still classifies marijuana as having no benefit. we can make change happen, we already have. lets keep the ball moving and stop posting negative bullshit!
Yes thseasman im talking to you, you are not a realist. a realist would know that change can happen if we all pulled together and did something! you are a pessimist, a person who would rather put down another persons hopes and beliefs for your own negative impact.


Well-Known Member
i too voted a month ago, but they're emailing all those who have voted and are now doing a final vote to see if it gets on the top 10 list. So if you voted a month ago then go vote again because it has been reset! it's only at like 700 votes or so?

c'mon! keeeep voting!


Active Member
as of today, we are 57 votes away from being the top ten for the presentation of congress! I voted that should be 56 needed. I will get all i can but if every one does the same maybe we can be #1 instead of 10??????????? It is worth the try and the 30 seconds it will take.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody much love goes out to you all!
I am here to inform the uninformed about our President Obama's website
Please take the time to register and VOTE!
The top ten ideas will be presented before congress. Decriminalization of marijuana is already one of the top ten, but we need more votes to help insure our voice is heard!
Good find. :clap:


Are u guys voting for the "end the war on drugs" one, or the "decriminalize marijuana?" I think we should just end the war on all drugs. What the hell does decriminalize mean anyway? It's too gray of a word. END, is pretty final. I think I will sign up and vote in this thing after all. Even though the Obama representative who attends this thing will probably be taking notes on toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
I think another way we can help is by posting this on other growing forums, the more votes the better.It's not necceserily spamming, it's helping spread the word around to other communities who also wish to see that mj will one day be decriminalized and that prohibition does not work and the goverment are only playing into the hands of gangs, pushers etc who are getting very rich of selling herb illegally and causing problems, costing the tax payers alot on the police time etc..

Please vote guys, only will take a few mins of your time


Well-Known Member
I have been telling anyone who stands still long enough to listen. Let my customers know about it at work and my neighbors as well.

Its a good idea not just regarding marijunia laws, but with the ecomony like it is, and the way they are handing over billions of dollars, it makes sense for the public to let our new president know how we feel about all these things.