You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck How do you manage to post 105,229 comments... averaging 44 A DAY for 6.5 years man.
You only live once. Might as well talk shit to people online all day. I bet it's rewarding work.:clap:


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck How do you manage to post 105,229 comments... averaging 44 A DAY for 6.5 years man.
You only live once. Might as well talk shit to people online all day. I bet it's rewarding work.:clap:
The sick thing that you do not realize is that that only goes back to the last wipe a few years ago....

He has posted millions of comments. You would think there was an award or something. Just years of neglect of his wife and family in reality.


Well-Known Member
This thread is from 2013 but so amaze.

Would read again (even though I don't know who half the people are).

Funny to read Trump supporters decrying stop and frisk tho, look how much more retarded theyve become...


Well-Known Member
"no clue on jeopardy is worth $500" is a correct statement.

"no clue on jeopardy was worth $500 several decades ago" is not. but that wasn't what i said.