"You Stuck that Bottle Where" SoG


Active Member
Welcome to the "You Stuck that Bottle Where" SoG. I'm your host, Stanislavski. You are definitely in the right place! This is the only post that can tell you exactly where that bottle went. :clap:

For this project, you will need:

5-female seeds or 10-12 "seeds" (I'm using my own strain)
4-65w CFL (my preference, but you can use an assortment)
1-32 watt circular CFL
1-garbage tie wire but whole, not already cut
5-1.5 L or 20 oz bottles
1-Holesaw courtesy of Essex haha
1-fogger (optional) for dehumidifying
2-.14 amp fans (chose these because they plug into the wall outlet & around 110 cfm)
1-duct tape and/or electrical tape
1-bag of activated carbon (doesn't need to installed immediately)
1-organic mix of soil (look for soil like coco dust/perlite/compost/etc.Then add 1/3perl)
1-cheap whiteboard magnet

Truth or False?

Will a plant get rootbound in a 16.9 to 1L bottle.


Over the next 9 weeks, I will show you that it IS possible to grow a SoG in 1.5 L mtn dew bottles cut down to 1L.

1st off, get your refrigerator, your cabinet, your wardrobe, whatever you're using. I'm using a 60 inch high by 24 inch wide x 24 inch deep refrigerator. Rip everything out of it. Every shelf, etc. You can put them back in later, if you'd like. Lay it flat down, and put the drill inside it. Find the place where you want your exhaust and intake to be, and drill away with that hole saw attachment. Once you've got your holes cut out, position your fans inside/over them. drill those babies in & now you have a nice air flow going (should). Your plants will love you for this.

Next step, make sure you didn't hit the freon pipe in the first step & if you did, don't get your panties in a bunch. I did it just 2 days ago as we speak. Just don't plan on using it to control temps. Two .14 amp fans are more than enough as long as the cfm is high enough. Now, hang the wire. It doesn't matter how you hang it or with what, as long as the garbage tie wire is plenty accessible. After it's secured, start hanging your light over it. I have 2 65w per socked attached via a y adapter. Once on each side for a total of 4 & only using two sockets. Then I have a circular 32 watt cfl coming down in the center. All the leads run out the back to a magnetic surge protector hung on back of fridge. The fans also get there power from this strip. I have two different strips on the back capable of 10amp each at max.

Now, you're ready for the bitch work (not being used offensively here for all those female growers :) Start taping up any holes, and running the pump hose, if you're going to use one to drain/fill your reservoir. Next, cut 10- 1/4 holes from where center of label USED to be in a downward spiral. Go over ten? That's okay, just don't overdo it. Cut all 4 or 5 pockets at the bottom. Not the whole thing, but just a little bit to let some drainage happen.

Next, fill up your bottle with 3/4 soil & some superthrive or hormex drops if you have them (plant hormones). Pop the new seedling into the hole with a its own chunk of dirt, and pour soil over and around up to 1/2 the plant's height. Don't add nutes until at least the mid of the 2nd week. Even then, graduate up to full dosage. Start with 1/2 of prescribed dosage every other feeding for a week & then if plants take well, try full dosage. You'll notice brown, nearly burnt paper, on the edge of the fan leaves. If you do, chances are you have those lights too damn close, or you just caught herpes. Yeah fuckers, wake up this is long. Or, you just caught nute burn. Flush it out, and go back to half after a week of only distilled water.

Think of it as you're doing an NFT with the rockwool on the mat. That's gotta soak up the water, and deliver it to the roots. The same goes for the bottle. You're not going to water it, you're going to soak it. Set it in the tub for a minute or two. Let all the air bubbles go out...First time, I'd recommend watering the top as well. The extra 1/3 of perlite will help more than you can imagine in case you're prone to over-watering.

Now, everything should be in place, temps, foggers (if you're using one), lights, fans, & surge protectors. Now you can place the plants about 2-3 inches from the light, and shut that bad baby.

Now, you should have a completely stealthy grow box. The white, plastic inner-lining is FUCKING GREAT for reflecting.

In the end, you can get a completely stealthy grow box for about 100 bucks or less if you take advantage of your local Craigslist. Holes and everything have since been fixed. I couldn't find the tools here in Asia to cut the freon pipe, so I ended up pulling it out. I managed to get it with no loss of light reflection. Just looks ugly on the inside lol. Not anymore..It's just a normal beat up hole, now :D These lights are MUCH further than they need to be for growing. I only have it spaced out that far because they blended together too much in the photo to see what was going on. Plants are standing up beautifully now after 1-12 hour session of THE REF & leaving them in the trays for 5 days because I couldn't get a cabinet fast enough haha. Do yourself a favor, just spend the money and buy a timer. Best suggestion for this exact setup would be what I'm doing. 24 all until it roots, then 12/12. This is about the only way your plant is going to survive in these mountain dew bottles. By the 5th week about, your plants won't be able to support themselves, and you'll need to toss a stake in there...No worries though. The colas will still come out nice & neat. You can look at about 15-25 grams on average with a 1.5L cut down & 10-15g on a 16.9 cut down from a 20oz. These numbers will take ya a while to get close to, especially if you lack experience. Everyone else, get mad with your grows bwahaha :-D

Happy Growing!



Active Member
lookin good m8! well done, I will hold my judgment on the 1L bottles till ya done, :wall:

ya never used a hole saw on dem oles, looks like ya chewed em out, lol :mrgreen:

cant wait to see ya sweet buds m8! :weed:



Active Member
hahahhaha, can ya believe it. They had one hole saw and the damn thing was about 1 inch around. Still cost me 20 american, too! Attachment kept falling out even after I cranked the damn thing as tight as it would go with the chuck key.. Bullshit! lol

Yeah, we'll see how the girls turn out. I may end up with a couple boys cuz these aren't feminized, but that's okay by me. It allows me to kind of stagger the dates in there. I should get to the point where I'm starting to harvest a couple a week :P


Well-Known Member
Ohh good :) A new addition to the Bottle Club.

I grow in 1.5 liter hempy bottles. ( a two liter cut down ) SOG style.

Subbed !


Active Member
Subbed? Gonna have to help me on the terminology lol! And thanks! I love my new grow box. I shall rub her & make her mine forever :P im so blazeddddd lol

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
It means he subscribed to your thread so that when ever there is a new post it will notify him in his "My RIU".

Looking good, I will sub too.

Subbed? Gonna have to help me on the terminology lol! And thanks! I love my new grow box. I shall rub her & make her mine forever :P im so blazeddddd lol


Active Member
Subbed? Gonna have to help me on the terminology lol! And thanks! I love my new grow box. I shall rub her & make her mine forever :P im so blazeddddd lol
If ya click on thread tools, above first post. ya can subscribe to a thread and receive updates in your rollitup panel.


Active Member
Ah, I just have it subscribe to everyone that I post. But, now I've noticed, I can't get a break lol. I'm gonna start chargin' lol


Active Member
We're Wales-hunting! What's the counties closest & furthest from London so I know where the best place is...Also, how far are they? Thanks man


Active Member
We're Wales-hunting! What's the counties closest & furthest from London so I know where the best place is...Also, how far are they? Thanks man

Ya know where id send ya wiv this post man, lol

www. some made uplink to google it ya self .com :-P

hows ya babys?


Active Member
www.letgoogleblowthatforyou.com hahaha...babies are good...not much difference...a couple sets of leaves, perfect amount of stretching (vitrually none hehe)...so it works good..I'm just lazy to take pics cuz the wife got back 2 days ago & plants haven't even been watered haha...I'm really impressed with this soil mix though...its holding the perfect amount of water for 3 days at a time..tomorrow morning ill be doing watering, but it's going REALLY well in the mtn bottles & this fridge is making a huge difference on the health of the plant simply because of the white reflective plastic. It's amazing on it..I'll take some pics tomorrow


Active Member
My ass has been lazy/busy. I've been doing tons of projects around the house (including building a GIANT carbon scrubber haha), so I haven't had much time to take new pics. They're not stretching, staying true to design, so we'll see how they go. I'll post pics up tomorrow because it's already getting to the time of passing out for me. I must say, I'm happy with this wild experiment :) She just might be a winner :-D


Active Member
lol, fridge is the WAY TO GO! I've seen more feedback reaction from the plants by moving the lights, etc in the fridge than any other growing area. The white, reflective plastic is BRILLIANT I tell ya, BRILLIANT!


HAHA, guess what I'm watching all.....think back a few years :)


Active Member
cool man, glad ya got it workin! scrubber sounds sweet m8 :-) where's ya pic's? I wana see ya gals, lol