"Your child should speak SPANSIH"- Barack Obama!


Well-Known Member
The reason why I "inundate threads with the same stuff over and over" is because I am very adamant about my cause and beliefs. I believe everyone has a right to see the other side of the information instead of hearing only what the MSM tells them. I do not own a TV company and I can't afford to pay for advertising, so I spread the word via the internet and word of mouth. Just because you have seen my "old and not compelling" evidence doesn't mean everyone has.
We Tard, the thing I most admire about you is your PASSION for your beliefs, which are genuine. It's a fire in your belly and I have absolutely no doubt about that.

"We Tard, please start your own Moonbat thread for all this shit!"
^^^^ Ummmm, this is my thread Johnny :mrgreen:^^^^^^
You have me there. However, I would point you to the title of the thread: "Your child should speak SPANSIH"- Barack Obama!

I was referring to the duplicate posting at large.
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Well-Known Member
That makes sense when you state it like that
Thanks ;-)


We Tard, the thing I most admire about you is your PASSION for your beliefs which are genuine. It's a fire in your belly and I have absolutely no doubt about that.

"We Tard, please start your own Moonbat thread for all this shit!"
^^^^ Ummmm, this is my thread Johnny :mrgreen:^^^^^^
You have me there. However, I would point you to the title of the thread: "Your child should speak SPANSIH"- Barack Obama!

I was referring to the duplicate posting at large.
Thanks for your admiration. :mrgreen:

Ya, I know when I'm spamming :D HAHA

When I get high, I sometimes get excited but I still know when I'm "copiously" spreading the word. But, I don't mind. If someone wants to ignore my posts because he/she finds them "askew", than more power to them.

You can love me, hate me or be indifferent, but regardless, I'm a man on a mission- to help propagate truth to those who seek it. To those who don't agree with me, sorry. I'm only me and I can't please everyone. I'm happy as long as I am content knowing that I tried.:mrgreen:

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
wow, one more reason we need to crack down on immigration, a member of the ms-13 gang, an el salvadoran, gunned down a dad and his 2 sons, in san fran...over a traffic incident, he killed them because he didn't like the way they tried to get infront of him in a intersection so he jumped out and killed them...not only is he an illegal immigrant but when he was 17 he robbed a pregnant women at gunpoint and was involved in another violent crime before he turned 18, because san fran is a sanctuary city he was never deported and never spent any time in any kind of correctional facility, he paid bail and skipped on it...so the end result, three dead americans, one widow left behind, and now he is going to spend life in prison, paid for by our tax dollars...what is america supposed to do with these kind of illegal immigrants?


Well-Known Member
What has illegal immigration and the presence of foreign gang members got to do with our kids learning a second language?


Well-Known Member
nothing, but there was some illegal immigration talk in here earlier...should i have started a thread for that?? i didn't think i'd get that many responses just wanted to add a point on about something i saw today


Well-Known Member
ok lol i just like keeping threads going so new ones don't get started about the same stuff over and over


Well-Known Member
Are you willing to let the government say that our children must be taught a second language while in primary school? Believe it or not, I am, AS LONG AS overall quality of education goes up along with. :) Quality of education, and accessibility have been my big beefs with the school districts I've had direct experience with.
Could not agree more. While I support the option of learning a second language for our children, but before they make it a requirement they better look at getting everything else in check before they add more shit to the pile.


Well-Known Member
"WE" is the RIU resident conspiracy jehovah witness..............Just out there spreadin the "truth"
what has he said that is a lie?
Don't ask him that. It might stress him out too much.:mrgreen:

Natrone23 is one of those people that likes to leave his 2 cents, but leaves no room for an intelligent rebuttal. He doesn't like me because I have conflicting ideas about what his reality permits. Some people just can't handle or accept "truth".

I don't talk to him much because he could potentially be like an annoying X girlfriend, you have to leave them alone or else they will attack you like a pissed off chihuahua bitting at your ankles and following you around.

BTW, thanks for getting my back GBFreedoom ;-) Muah (the kiss was assuming your a girl because of your avatar. But you could be a homosexual too, idk...:?.........:mrgreen:)

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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Well-Known Member
I think it's greatly beneficial to have our children learn multiple languages and cultures besides our own; it expands their view of the world greatly, and they will thank you for it later. However, that being said, I don't know Obama's vote on the FISA bill.

Screw spying!! And don't call it a compromise (which is how he justified voting for it). Hillary voted against the FISA bill. Good thing I voted for her in the primaries.

SCREW GOVERNMENT WIRETAPPING! I don't like our 4th amendment being eviscerated!

Anyway, to go back to the topic at hand, I think it should be strongly encouraged that children learn other languages, but not to the point where it is forced upon them.


Well-Known Member
Don't ask him that. It might stress him out too much.:mrgreen:

Natrone23 is one of those people that likes to leave his 2 cents, but leaves no room for an intelligent rebuttal. He doesn't like me because I have conflicting ideas about what his reality permits. Some people just can't handle or accept "truth".

I don't talk to him much because he could potentially be like an annoying X girlfriend, you have to leave them alone or else they will attack you like a pissed off chihuahua bitting at your ankles and following you around.

BTW, thanks for getting my back GBFreedoom ;-) Muah (the kiss was assuming your a girl because of your avatar. But you could be a homosexual too, idk...:?.........:mrgreen:)

The REVOLUTION has begun!


*dies laughing* nah man... im a dude. AND im straight... I just love Squidbillies... lmao<br /><br />
this is VERY awkward now... lmao. The hat says "i love COCK... fighting"


Well-Known Member
*dies laughing* nah man... im a dude. AND im straight... I just love Squidbillies... lmao<br /><br />
this is VERY awkward now... lmao. The hat says "i love COCK... fighting"
Well..... now....... :?..... Ummmm....

HAHAHAHAHAHA...... :lol:

Thats pretty funny :D I never even bothered to read the "fighting" part because its print was too small. I just thought you were some chick that loves the kak :D HAHA..

No need for the awkwardness. Its all good. Its only the internet :D Its not like I really kissed you........ unless you want me to try......... ;-)

:lol: JK JK HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
man what is so wrong with mexico? I really love mexico and mexi-cans, and not just for the pharmacies either... i feel like mexico really deserves the chance to prosper that we deny them. as we stifle movement at the border we stifle natural commerce. that leaves regulated (equals artificially controlled) trade at unfair prices. thats robbery. man we're assholes. i'm so embarrased for americans right now, we must be the laughing stock of the rest of the world for being such emotionally-driven prepubescents.

all this aside, I see no problem with moving into a bilingual culture. might grow us up a little bit as a culture to be able to communicate with the mexicans in their own language. it's hard to be an asshole when you gain empathy for the out group.



Well-Known Member
Well..... now....... :?..... Ummmm....

HAHAHAHAHAHA...... :lol:

Thats pretty funny :D I never even bothered to read the "fighting" part because its print was too small. I just thought you were some chick that loves the kak :D HAHA..

No need for the awkwardness. Its all good. Its only the internet :D Its not like I really kissed you........ unless you want me to try......... ;-)

:lol: JK JK HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!


*bats eyelashes* j/k <br /><br /> lmao. its all good man.


Well-Known Member
true story: today at the end of my shift, a group of hatians came into the store and they didn't speak too much english. i listened and saw them struggle for a while with the shoes and such and none of my other co-workers decided to help them. turns out in haiti the language is composed of french and lo and behold i speak french(thank you hot french teacher) my point being that i could actually communicate and gain order of 15 tourists and actually sell them shoes. i get commission pay as well as hourly pay and 15 tourist each buying a pair of shoes averaging 40 dollars? bank.


Well-Known Member
man what is so wrong with mexico? I really love mexico and mexi-cans, and not just for the pharmacies either... i feel like mexico really deserves the chance to prosper that we deny them. as we stifle movement at the border we stifle natural commerce. that leaves regulated (equals artificially controlled) trade at unfair prices. thats robbery. man we're assholes. i'm so embarrased for americans right now, we must be the laughing stock of the rest of the world for being such emotionally-driven prepubescents.

all this aside, I see no problem with moving into a bilingual culture. might grow us up a little bit as a culture to be able to communicate with the mexicans in their own language. it's hard to be an asshole when you gain empathy for the out group.

You feel that way because you are ignorant.

They have every opportunity to prosper but their government is so corrupted that it stifles and stigmatizes any progress being made. The only reason they are trying to enter our country by any means necessary is because lack of opportunities and future granted there. We are not refusing trade, just illegal entry to our country.

We cannot force their government to get on track and make that country worth a damn, else we'd be further criticized for meddling in other country's affairs. So what the hell do you want us to do? Offer them better prices on what? We import very mundane merchandise that is being rivaled by China.


Well-Known Member
coming from a mexican-american, there is nothing like cussing out a wetback beaner asshole in his native tongue. especialy if you dont look hispanic like me. the look on thier face is always priceless. but make sure you pronounce words right. pinche culeros....