Yup I did it all and I just wanted to say sorry.

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Well-Known Member
strange post i read from luke yesterday.... He asked me for no reason and creepyly in a pm what uk is like towards black people.

why the strange and unpredicted change of personality luke?

im usaully good if not damn perfect at reading people but your greatly wrong in thinking your " prank" like posts had any sort of "prank like effect on us ...... This im positive.

its impossible to disagree with me today luke ....... Believe this.

why the sudden change in personality luke? ........ Do you honestly feel in yourself ( be honest ) your life is of poor quality?


Well-Known Member
I'm also glad I don't know what's going on.
Here's a puzzle for those who are also baffled as I:

There is a plot of grass where cows go to graze.
The growth rate of the grass is constant.
If 15 cows eat all the grass in 6 weeks,
and 12 cows eat all the grass in 9 weeks,
how many weeks will it take 9 cows to eat all the grass?

You are not allowed to use calculus!
(Hint: don't forget initial conditions)


Well-Known Member
I'm also glad I don't know what's going on.
Here's a puzzle for those who are also baffled as I:

There is a plot of grass where cows go to graze.
The growth rate of the grass is constant.
If 15 cows eat all the grass in 6 weeks,
and 12 cows eat all the grass in 9 weeks,
how many weeks will it take 9 cows to eat all the grass?

You are not allowed to use calculus!
(Hint: don't forget initial conditions)
Fucking cows better stay the fuck away from my grass...


Well-Known Member
I just really wanted to.say sorry about the insults, I should've known when to stop at one point it all was becoming a bit too much for even me to bare through it any longer that's when I made the Wow thread I just didn't know how the mods would somehow make the connection. I am deeply sorry for playing that dirty trick on all of you, sorry to the people i've hurt with my insults both on this account and my sock puppets, you are all wonderful, funny, and beautiful people, you have a gift that cannot be opened by anyone else, that is from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't say something like that if I didn't mean it. Those of you who cause people to laugh there guts out on here, you are truly blessed ex. @Yessica... @Growan @GrowUrOwnDank @Pinworm @UncleBuck @6ohMax you guys have the gift of making depressed people happy keep on doing what you're doing, @mainliner don't worry I know you're a cool person. Everyone in RIU even even @Finshaggy you all are what makes this website what it is, and the mods the most forgiving ones i've ever had the pleasure of meeting on the internet, i've been part of many forums, even the most popular ones throughout the internet. I would've been banned a long time ago if it was on another forum @sunni @GreatwhiteNorth you guys have a suprising amount of patience you will benifit from that in the future, thank you. . . It took me a long time to sign in so I could type this my account is moving extremely slow if at all this has happened before some one left me a pm I couldn't read it cause the page wouldn't load whoever that was im sorry.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest if you're having problems with depression to try some forums that are specifically geared towards that.

They are HEAVILY modded though. Absolutely no funny business or you're kicked off for good.


Well-Known Member
I just really wanted to.say sorry about the insults, I should've known when to stop at one point it all was becoming a bit too much for even me to bare through it any longer that's when I made the Wow thread I just didn't know how the mods would somehow make the connection. I am deeply sorry for playing that dirty trick on all of you, sorry to the people i've hurt with my insults both on this account and my sock puppets, you are all wonderful, funny, and beautiful people, you have a gift that cannot be opened by anyone else, that is from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't say something like that if I didn't mean it. Those of you who cause people to laugh there guts out on here, you are truly blessed ex. @Yessica... @Growan @GrowUrOwnDank @Pinworm @UncleBuck @6ohMax you guys have the gift of making depressed people happy keep on doing what you're doing, @mainliner don't worry I know you're a cool person. Everyone in RIU even even @Finshaggy you all are what makes this website what it is, and the mods the most forgiving ones i've ever had the pleasure of meeting on the internet, i've been part of many forums, even the most popular ones throughout the internet. I would've been banned a long time ago if it was on another forum @sunni @GreatwhiteNorth you guys have a suprising amount of patience you will benifit from that in the future, thank you. . . It took me a long time to sign in so I could type this my account is moving extremely slow if at all this has happened before some one left me a pm I couldn't read it cause the page wouldn't load whoever that was im sorry.
Fine words well spoken.

Now come over here and rub my horns, you big silly.
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