Zinc, Iron deficiency? Help! (pics)

Apical Bud

Well-Known Member
Hi there! I seem to have this problem quite frequently. I grow in soil, 1/4 coco, 1/4 steer manure, 1/4 top soil, 1/4 miracle grow potting soil. I also added a small amount of a kelp-based nitrogen fertilizer, a sprinkling of miracle grow tomato food (18 18 21), and the recommended amount of dolomite lime. The pH is 6.8 and has been between 6-7 the whole grow. I believe the salinity of this soil was initially too high, and over the course of a few days I flushed all the plants I used it with until the run off looked more like tea rather than coca cola (which initially it did look like). I haven't flushed in three weeks. A few of my plants are doing well but most have identical symptoms to the ones in the picture. I can't seem to pin point what my problem could be. I believe it's a deficiency and not a lock-out problem because my pH is good and I have only added a small amount of amendments. Any ideas?100_0421.jpg100_0427.jpg


Active Member
Look like this actually

It's Boron Def.
Boron is not absorbed will without enough potassium and nitrogen, or if there isn't enough moisture. You plant may also exhibit signs of a boron deficiency if the pH is too high or low. Flush your system with clean, pH'd water that contains about half the nutrients needed for the plant and watch to make sure that the problem clears up for new growth.

Apical Bud

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for everything. I added the recommended amount of lime to the soil and 1/2 that in foliar spray, and these plants are BACK. I've had this problem so many times and now I know what to do.

Apical Bud

Well-Known Member
I spoke too soon. Once I stopped foliar spraying the problem stopped. I feel like my problem(s) show one symptom from iron, from zinc, from magnesium, and from sulfur deficiencies, but they lack the other symptoms from each of those deficiencies. I may have high phosphorus but my test kit result was inconclusive. BUT what about cold stress? Night time temps have been in the 40s the past few weeks and the only picture I've been able to find online that matches my plants is this
Its description mentioned cold-to-high temperature fluctuations being behind this plants problem. Does anyone know if in general this picture represents cold temp's effect on plants in veg? Thanks!


Active Member
Could very possibly be temps, they can cause nutrient lock out. Could also be a root problem, have you checked the root system, could be root bound. I would suggest flushing with H2O leave a day then feed. This should clean system, get oxygen to roots and allow nutrients to start from fresh. And get a heater in to keep temps up when required.