
  1. G

    Nutrient frequency

    Hi, I have a nice little ak47 auto in week three and I purchased this for feeding - https://professorsnutrients.com.au/products/professors-original-hydroponics-nutrient/#:~:text=The%20Professor%27s%20Original%20Nutrient%20offers,all%20stages%20of%20plant%20growth. My issue is that the...
  2. Reap911

    Carbon Based Fertilizers - How To

    Hi Guys, I hope everyone is doing well. Thought maybe I could get some information on carbon based fertilizers. Anyone have some experience on making them? Any good research starting points? So I have stumbled on some talks around these types of fertilizers being a must have on your feeding...
  3. Blackketch

    Supersoil VS Liquid fertilizer

    Hello, for some time now I have been enticed by the idea of moving away from liquid fertilizers and would like to start approaching the world of super soil. I am about to buy a complete kit from lurpenatural with super soil (Charcoal, Bone Meal, Dolomite, Herb Blend, Azomite®, Kelp, Rock Dust...
  4. S

    It could be a bug?

    Hello fairly new to this site and fresh back into the grow so go easy on me, I have a problem with my baby! I have discovered a fungus gnat problem and have been trying to combat for maybe 5 weeks now (problem still consists so resulting to neem oil) but I would like to know if this problem is...
  5. S

    Only feeding Nutes once and awhile

    Hi everyone so I’m just wondering something I got 9 plants in a 5x5 2 1200 Phlizon led in 5 gal fabric pots in soil miracle grow ( don’t say it, I already know). So started them first week March. started em off week 4 veg with some Nutes GH flora series. This isn’t my first grow just haven’t...
  6. Lord Kelvin of Lumen

    Brown spots... is it really calcium deficiency?

    Sooooo i got myself some nice Bubblegum ladies :weed: for my balcony. Weird fact: Although the plants are quite young, they started blooming due to lack of daylight on my balcony (I know, I know... amateure. You guessed it, I'm a noob grower). Anyways, it is now week 6 or so since I got my...
  7. S

    Has anyone tried nutrifield ferts

    Just trying nutrifield elements a&b 2 part veg fert a go and wandering if anyone has had any good or bad results using this product, it’s generally a hydro fert but am using in soil , Tia
  8. josepcruise

    Confused about fertilizer

    Hello, I just bought a bag of full spectrum fertilizer 18-5-15 (Actually 18-5-15-6-0.2-7.3) I thought it was to disolve in water but it's granular, they told me it's not slow release but I don't know what to think. The fertilizer looks like some different size coloured small stones, some of them...
  9. Trebla

    1st time grower

    recently started getting these flowers in my cannabis? I fed it Alaska Fish Fert today? Should I continue to feed my girl then flush at the end? Or stop feeding and still flush at the end? Any advise will help. Thanks!
  10. mofgreen

    Which Nutrient and NPK Ratio ? Biozbiz and others Help!

    Hello everyone! I'm a little bit confused about which Nutrient or fertiliser i have to use. I choose four different type of NPK ratio: 7.3.6, 9.3.6, 8.4.4, 16:7.5:12 and also I have Biobizz bio-grow and bloom but their NPK ratio is low, grow: 4.3.6 bloom: 2.7.4. Also Biobizz is natural, others...
  11. mauro88

    Which nutrients for autoflowers?

    Currently I am using cana terra professional soil, I am looking for nutrients since I’m told I should use them. I want to keep things as simple as possible. Which nutrients should I buy, how often should I feed my autoflowers, and how much to feed them? And please explain why, so I can...
  12. TheGrassIsGreenerInAus

    Homemade Banana Water

    Hey guys just a quick question I made some banana water, soaking a few banana peels in water for a couple days to get all the potassium magnesium etc to water my plants. Now obviously as its homemade it has no guides measurements etc so I was just wondering A - how much/how often should I apply...
  13. TrappinInNature

    Is forest soil suitable as a growing medium?

    Went hiking today got some soil and baked it at 200 degrees f for 20 mins to sterilize it to kill any bugs/eggs/seeds. Would it be a good growing medium for cannabis? It looks good, dark, nice, moist, and earthy smelling. I'll add nutes.
  14. Senior Smoke

    All Natural----> No Artificial Nutes For This Guy

    I Make My own soil... - Organic Homemade compost - Peat moss - Manure - Earth worm castings - Perlite - Mushroom compost - Chop up 6-8 Banana peels, mix in soil when transplanting. ( You can soak bananas in water for 48 hours prior to chopping up for banana soup and feed the soup to your little...
  15. trueweedsmoker

    Stupid? About making own nutes

    If we can make our own liquid mutes using water for hydro. Why do we have to switch our nutes up in hydro every week. We have to check ppm's everyday so why renute. I mean we have to use water to make our own nutes. Why not just tweek what's in there
  16. Senior Smoke

    Manure good for growing?

    Hey friends, I was at home depot and seen bags of compost with manure. I thought it couldn't hurt to try since its been used in our gardens forever.. I mixed it with miracle grow, and some other organic soil they had. it looks like dang good soil so i'm hoping it works well...
  17. kilojay619

    Micro Bloom Booster and Foliar spray

    This growing season I have been experimenting with different recipes for organic teas and fertilizers. The best recipe i've found so far consists of Silk Worm castings, Kelp meal, Molasses, Fulvic acid,Boron, Calcium, Chloride, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sulfur and Zinc. This...
  18. SmokeyEyes

    First time outdoor grow

    :lol:Hey everybody i'm planning on growing a crop of ten feminized seeds for personal use this year in an Irish climate, we have a temperate climate so summers are warm and a bit wet, I've read about some strains an was considering 5 peppermint kush and 5 LSD seeds, any one ever try them before...