
  1. Jetli1

    Will Green cure fungicide hurt my ladybugs

    Wanted to do a preventative spray for pm on my cannabis outdoor grow in humid, rainy Michigan. Im using Green cure fungicide but I just released ladybugs a few days ago. Will the spray hurt or chase away my beneficials? I can’t find any related info online. Thanx peeps!
  2. calvin.m16

    Lady Bugs & Wasps for Outdoor Grow *WINNING*

    So for the longest time I was having some seriously horrible luck even indoors without having pests / diseases pillaging my crops. Powdery Mildew, Thrips, Gnats and temperature issues of course.. This plant is growing in Mid Michigan with no human intervention. basically I just put the plant in...
  3. sheckylovejoy

    Photo: Ladybugs like spider mites

    So the white dots showed up last week in the 2nd week of flower. Can't see the little fuckers under the microscope, but I was pretty sure they're there, so I put a couple of hundred ladybugs into the room last night. I spread them out, figuring they would seek out and find the bad guys. Did...
  4. A

    I've got mites. combat with Lady bugs?

    I have never had mites before now.. but after reading around I think I caught them at a pretty early stage. 17 autos at day 55. they have less than a month to go by the looks. Best way to combat them quickly for plants to finish? Are lady bugs a popular method early on? Combod with neem or...
  5. J

    First Time Indoor Grow

    its hot here and the days are super short right now. I bought a tent a 400watt full spectrum led light a 300watt cfl 2700k amd a 250watt cfl 6400k. Decided to try this inside. So far so good i think but i know the heat will pose a problem in the future.
  6. Chedd


    Just a few random questions regarding the ladybug. I have read a few articles saying they are a "noob mistake" in one paragraph and praise them as a damn near solve all pest problems type bug. So I guess I'd like to ask if anyone has experience raising/keeping ladybugs long term, and if so how...
  7. Seamoss

    Helpful Bugs For Indoor Grows

    I've got a month old strain of unknown origin (a stray from a baggie). I'm using seedling potting mix, fish fertilizer 5-1-1, and organic fungicide/miticide. What beneficial bugs, like ladybugs, would you add to an indoor grow and why?