light set up

  1. that1guy1388

    One week from sprout not looking so good.

    So I've got seedlings that I put in on Jan 18th they are Seedman brand 6 are WW(left) and 3 Lemon(right) autos in rockwool. Some did not make it think maybe 2 I had one grow upside which from what I've read on this site anyway is rare but it had the leaves in the rockwool with the roots growing...
  2. Erysichthon

    Light placement question

    Hi, its been a good while since ive posted in here. ive been outta the growing game for almost 10 years but maybe in the not to distant future i could hop back on the horse.. right now its all planning and what ifs which is why im here. If i do start back up it will be in a bedroom thats...