
  1. J

    silkworm castings - does anyone have worms strickly for the castings?

    So I have a lot of plants and I was thinking of getting some silkworms and setting up an old fish tank to breed and collect castings. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this. I was also wondering if I could adjust their diet to adjust how effective the castings are.
  2. murderdude

    Let's talk about worms and No-till ROLS!

    Before we get down to dirt, let me preface this; I've been growing organics for a while now and I've always been interested in starting my own no till bed, but I live in a city and you need BIG pots for a no till bed. All i've got is a 3x3 tent. That's what I used to think! So I completed a...
  3. L

    Earthworms appearing in my pots?

    I didn't put them in their. Using store bought soil mix and liquid organic nutes. Did they come in from outside? I guess it's almost spring. Winter is nice growing...Minimal pest problems. I know earthworms are no big deal...but it's a long journey from outside into my grow room. Any insights?
  4. jungsheezy

    Sterilized Soil, Helpful Bacteria, Trace Minerals

    Does anyone have any recommendations for sterilized soil used in indoor cultivation? I want to know the highest quality sterilized soil you can think of, and any recommendations on altering the PH of the sterilized soil. I'm also interested in introducing non-synthetically derived helpful...