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  • anyways trow out all the old plants i have these are recent pics of my new auto , should be blueberry bliss or OG kush i dont remember
    Is my plant a female also how do I make buds I switch the light to 2500 kelvin and time cycle 12/12 to produce buds? For my female ?
    NHS Garden Gurus
    NHS Garden Gurus
    The plant's sex can be determined once it is grown enough to show it's reproductive organs. Keep a close eye anywhere after it is 12" or taller and you should be able to find them. 12/12 should work depending on the strain. Please inbox me for further questions and I would be glad to help!
    Germinate like six seeds at once it will increase the likely hood of having something to harvest by at least 60% minimum. Growing one is like having a baby it may be male or it may be female 50 - 50
    I have two but I know there female unless I stressed them to much but we will see
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