2024 Grow Journal


Active Member
They are looking absolutely beautiful! What a fantastic recovery! Thanks to dolomite lime and plain rain water. It's a cloudy day today so I'm just letting them camp under the LED for another hour or two before I place them outside in these warm temps.



Active Member
Long time no update. Plants are looking fanominal! Just gave them a shot of nutrients yesterday with advanced nutrients 3-1 and B52 with a shot of Epsom salts running at 1000ppm and a pH of 6.79 same as runoff. Just took some quick pics today, it's windy as hell and they're taking a beating so the pics don't do any justice as they look way better in person plus the position of the sun lighting and timing adds to the gringiness of the photos but here they are!
Almost forgot the other details, FIM'd a couple of them 8-9 days ago, excellent recover and one of them grew a ton of shoots from it (will get better close ups when the wind calms down), also pruned the bottom nodes a bit on all of them. I have to transplant the 2 smaller ones as they're roots are starting to stick out of the bottom. Will probably have to order another coco coir brick yet once again. Planning on starting LST or will attempt at it or tie them down a bit even though it's a bit late but I'll work with that.
Cheers :weed::eyesmoke::hump:bongsmilie:)

