2024 Tolerance Break Grow Journal

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Salutations RIU family!

First off, the incubator is making progress!
I had 100% germination using the 1% h2o2 soak, with one seedling dying due to pathogens, and another due to an odd issue where the stem tangled itself and never managed to pop. Most of them are already in their solo cups, waiting to get sexed. I'm torn between DNA testing for time, or letting them just grow out. I am leaning towards the ladder to see if there's any meaningful expression differences in the males, as I would like to keep 2, as long as this system works as well as I hope...

Onto the Chem Fuego hydro tent! We are moving full steam ahead! I have just enough grows under my belt to know some plants are easier than others, and I really have a thing for the picky ones. I'm at the crossroad of "am I over feeding, under feeding, or in the wrong ph range?" I have a feeling there's a little lockout going on, and I'm pretty sure the way I am feeding is leading to calcium deficiencies that get worse through flower, but I'm making do. I think they'll be ready between the 2nd and 4th week of June, with the squat ones finishing earlier. Going to ask some folk who've grown out these plants to see if they benefit from early harvest like their Chem parents.


And here's the sativa tent. It's... going to be a long ride lol. All I've done since the first res fill is raise the lights and check the soil with my fingers. Haven't added a drop of water in weeks. I need to do some light amending and add water this week for peace of mind, but I can't imagine it gets much easier than this. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the fucking ants found their way into my SIP tent. I put some bait out for them, so I'm waiting for that to rectify itself. The plants have a very herbal spice smell on the leaf rub. I'm used to a generic sugar sweet smell from my hydro tent, even with the Chem fuego.

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Well-Known Member
damn this is all looking great! I had to lookup Chem Fuego, skipped leafly's first link bcuz they suck, and damn, that's gotta be some potent shit lol. That's what you got from farmerjoe right?

from the other thread..
They say the seeds came from the outback, but they shipped out of spain lol
now that's hilarious lmao. But there could be some gems in there... I'd still be hopeful for sure. You end up keeping any of the males?

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
damn this is all looking great! I had to lookup Chem Fuego, skipped leafly's first link bcuz they suck, and damn, that's gotta be some potent shit lol. That's what you got from farmerjoe right?

from the other thread..

now that's hilarious lmao. But there could be some gems in there... I'd still be hopeful for sure. You end up keeping any of the males?
No, but close!

As for the mango, I did not keep any males, as I have other projects in mind. I still have a pack of Mango A5 haze along with a gang of other seeds from SHSC, and as far as I am aware the company is still operational, so if it is something worth going back to, you can bet your bottom dollar I will!

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Jesus christ, where does the time go...

It's looking like the final act is here, and there's not a whole lot to talk about. The fuego is a tricky cultivar and I'm not very happy with the overall health. The leaves did not like the light, but the buds responded beautifully. I'm thinking 2 more weeks, roughly 70 days of actual flower, but I'm keeping a close eye on them for pathogens because the buds are seemingly very dense already. Humidity is in the low 50s, and that's the best I can do.

The Mango Haze is throwing off some wild smells. It's very pleasant. The growth speaks for itself. A little nitrogen toxicity is behind the curling leaves, at least that's my best guess. I gotta say, this SIP thing is ridiculously simple and effective.20240529_044411.jpg20240529_042717.jpg

The incubator is incubating, still no genitals. I'm attempting to bonsai the Sour D and Chem 91. I'll share pics at a later date!
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Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Been meaning to update, luckily I can't sleep, so here we go!

Alright, let's start with the exciting stuff. Chem Fuego, harvested at 9 weeks. I wanted a little more of a racy high, so I sacrificed a bit of bulk. The taller, 91 leaner was done done. The other 2, possibly headband leaners were still showing alot of clear, however, I tested a bud chopped a week prior from one of them and it took me by supprise. Real funky headrush stuff. Fingers crossed I made the correct choice.
The Mango Haze c5 is just doing her thing. Got some clawing and a bit of N tox on a couple plants, along with something I haven't quite diagnosed, possibly Cal Def? Idk. I'm taking a hands off approach to this tent. If you see something, say something, otherwise I'm letting them ride. They smell wonderful!
20240609_135532.jpg20240529_044411.jpg 20240609_135538.jpg
The incubator is incubating. Sex should show any day, but I'm in no hurry, as I'm not starting anything until the Haze is done. I think the window Unit, which is on year 4, is about ready to get replaced, and I'm not going to do that until next year. 20240611_213152.jpg

So, that's where I'm at.

Oh, where am I going you ask? Well, I'm going to run 100% perilite hempy with Jack's for my Pineapple Fields Pheno hunt. Depending on how many females I end up with, I'll either fill the tent, or do phases of 6 at a time before making a female selection for F2. I might take some clones of males and do a shotgun flower to eliminate the quickest shooter of the bunch, but time will tell.

I've got to figure out what I'm going to do with the Sips. Depending on the time frame, I might reamend with some BAS craft blend, throw some BAS cover crop on, and let it do it's thing until fall when I'm ready to fire them up again with lord knows what. Idk, my life is a trash fire and my desires are jet fuel.

Beyond the aforementioned AC unit concern, I am entirely overwhelmed, and there's a potential job coming up that will require lots of OT and potentially another drug test, which is part of why I'm still awake...

If it sounds like I'm complaining, its mostly because I am. It's frustrating to have a career that discriminates against the thing I am most passionate about, in order to afford the lifestyle that allows me to pursue it... I want to say more, but I'm rambling at this point. Life is good, I'm just tired.

I love this community, I love growing weed, and if you made it this far, I appreciate your time and patience. - TB


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Been meaning to update, luckily I can't sleep, so here we go!

Alright, let's start with the exciting stuff. Chem Fuego, harvested at 9 weeks. I wanted a little more of a racy high, so I sacrificed a bit of bulk. The taller, 91 leaner was done done. The other 2, possibly headband leaners were still showing alot of clear, however, I tested a bud chopped a week prior from one of them and it took me by supprise. Real funky headrush stuff. Fingers crossed I made the correct choice.
View attachment 5399436View attachment 5399438View attachment 5399439View attachment 5399440View attachment 5399441View attachment 5399447
The Mango Haze c5 is just doing her thing. Got some clawing and a bit of N tox on a couple plants, along with something I haven't quite diagnosed, possibly Cal Def? Idk. I'm taking a hands off approach to this tent. If you see something, say something, otherwise I'm letting them ride. They smell wonderful!
View attachment 5399444View attachment 5399445 View attachment 5399443
The incubator is incubating. Sex should show any day, but I'm in no hurry, as I'm not starting anything until the Haze is done. I think the window Unit, which is on year 4, is about ready to get replaced, and I'm not going to do that until next year. View attachment 5399450

So, that's where I'm at.

Oh, where am I going you ask? Well, I'm going to run 100% perilite hempy with Jack's for my Pineapple Fields Pheno hunt. Depending on how many females I end up with, I'll either fill the tent, or do phases of 6 at a time before making a female selection for F2. I might take some clones of males and do a shotgun flower to eliminate the quickest shooter of the bunch, but time will tell.

I've got to figure out what I'm going to do with the Sips. Depending on the time frame, I might reamend with some BAS craft blend, throw some BAS cover crop on, and let it do it's thing until fall when I'm ready to fire them up again with lord knows what. Idk, my life is a trash fire and my desires are jet fuel.

Beyond the aforementioned AC unit concern, I am entirely overwhelmed, and there's a potential job coming up that will require lots of OT and potentially another drug test, which is part of why I'm still awake...

If it sounds like I'm complaining, its mostly because I am. It's frustrating to have a career that discriminates against the thing I am most passionate about, in order to afford the lifestyle that allows me to pursue it... I want to say more, but I'm rambling at this point. Life is good, I'm just tired.

I love this community, I love growing weed, and if you made it this far, I appreciate your time and patience. - TB
From one dumpster fire to another hang in there, they'll finish. That's all that matters and I get your pain. Hang in there :hug:


Well-Known Member
Been meaning to update, luckily I can't sleep, so here we go!

Alright, let's start with the exciting stuff. Chem Fuego, harvested at 9 weeks. I wanted a little more of a racy high, so I sacrificed a bit of bulk. The taller, 91 leaner was done done. The other 2, possibly headband leaners were still showing alot of clear, however, I tested a bud chopped a week prior from one of them and it took me by supprise. Real funky headrush stuff. Fingers crossed I made the correct choice.
View attachment 5399436View attachment 5399438View attachment 5399439View attachment 5399440View attachment 5399441View attachment 5399447
The Mango Haze c5 is just doing her thing. Got some clawing and a bit of N tox on a couple plants, along with something I haven't quite diagnosed, possibly Cal Def? Idk. I'm taking a hands off approach to this tent. If you see something, say something, otherwise I'm letting them ride. They smell wonderful!
View attachment 5399444View attachment 5399445 View attachment 5399443
The incubator is incubating. Sex should show any day, but I'm in no hurry, as I'm not starting anything until the Haze is done. I think the window Unit, which is on year 4, is about ready to get replaced, and I'm not going to do that until next year. View attachment 5399450

So, that's where I'm at.

Oh, where am I going you ask? Well, I'm going to run 100% perilite hempy with Jack's for my Pineapple Fields Pheno hunt. Depending on how many females I end up with, I'll either fill the tent, or do phases of 6 at a time before making a female selection for F2. I might take some clones of males and do a shotgun flower to eliminate the quickest shooter of the bunch, but time will tell.

I've got to figure out what I'm going to do with the Sips. Depending on the time frame, I might reamend with some BAS craft blend, throw some BAS cover crop on, and let it do it's thing until fall when I'm ready to fire them up again with lord knows what. Idk, my life is a trash fire and my desires are jet fuel.

Beyond the aforementioned AC unit concern, I am entirely overwhelmed, and there's a potential job coming up that will require lots of OT and potentially another drug test, which is part of why I'm still awake...

If it sounds like I'm complaining, its mostly because I am. It's frustrating to have a career that discriminates against the thing I am most passionate about, in order to afford the lifestyle that allows me to pursue it... I want to say more, but I'm rambling at this point. Life is good, I'm just tired.

I love this community, I love growing weed, and if you made it this far, I appreciate your time and patience. - TB
Those are fkin Dense! Success!