
  1. L

    Dealt with anything like this? Plz help before it’s too late.

    I’ve been watering with tap from seed and I’ve had issues but nothing that didn’t correct itself, now I’m damn near done flowering and my leaves are browning and it is accelerating pretty fast. I Phd my tap water about a week ago and it read 7-7.2. I adjusted the ph and watered with calmag last...
  2. Team Vault

    Win x5 Fastbuds Banana Purple Punch Auto Seeds on This Post

    Hi folks Just quickly dropping in with a 'fast' note to make you aware of our next giveaway! As you currently get a free Fast Buds Seed with your orders at The Vault we thought we'd do a cheeky wee give-away for you. If you want to win a 5 pack of Banana Purple Punch Auto Seeds simply let us...
  3. bfcrew

    How much $$$ have you spent on grow equipment?

    I bought 4 full indoor grow kits equipment and spent a ball tons of money. I'm just curious on how much you guys have into your set ups?
  4. P

    New to growing.. please help! Original cheese fastbuds autoflower

    Hi all! I recently decided to grow a few plants, I am a complete noob and took information from here and there on the internet. Surprisingly I managed to get them growing and all was well until I noticed that my plants seem very short and the nodes very close together.. the seeds are original...
  5. gigglesme

    Cat smorgasbord

    So all my plants now look like this think they will grow back??
  6. Budzbuddha

    The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

    The P.I.S.S. Method This thread was created for fun and facts … Urine has been historically used in both agriculture, commodities , leather work even artistic paintings. But, the Liquid Gold has even more beneficial use in your garden ! :weed: Many nutrient lines that you currently use...
  7. S

    Help! Small brown spots only in the stem during drying (Rot?)

    Hi guys, I cut about three days ago and right now the girls are in the room drying at 62 degrees and 58/60% humidity. Inspecting in the middle of the flowers I noticed that in the center of a few flowers ,precisely in the stem, there are marks that tend on the brownish. Nothing like that on the...
  8. BigMoistDaddy

    Can I go To jail for growing weed on seperated state lines?

    So my house is divided in half. One side of the house is in a state where marijuana is illegal, and the other side of the house is in a state where homegrow is legal. If my house gets raided by police by the state where it’s illegal will I go to jail even if the plants are on the side of the...
  9. S

    Please help me, Broad mites?

    Hi guys, since I started the cycle all my babies seemed to be fine but all of a sudden this one started freaking a bit. it is full of discoloration, curled leaves and the smaller shoots seem to have malformed leaves. Initially I thought it was stressed because it was the largest and was...
  10. Blackketch

    Help!!! Strange spots and discoloration on the leaves

    Hi guys, today while checking the girls I noticed these marks in one of the leaves and I can't explain what they are from. In about two days I have to transplant them into prefertilized soil, so far I just gave them some rooting agent. Water pH:6,5 RO water (i think that could be a problem...
  11. D

    Peep my setup & Reccomend a veg light!

    Fellow growers, what's happening! I'm wrapping up my indoor set up and looking to improve my veg light. I run these (see photos). A 300w ufo led and a 200w cob? Light. They do fairly well. Not complaining. However I'd like to consolidate and run one light in the veg tent. This is a 3x3...
  12. max316420

    Advanced Nutes in promix HP question..

    So been using Advanced for a long time in promix and i have a strict schedule I stick to and seems to be pretty consistent, which keeps me happy. I’d like to hear anyone else’s feed schedule when it comes to frequency of feeding/plain waterings, supplements used, what ph you dialed your solution...
  13. Spiveysrevenge

    2.82 oz of sativa homegrown shit curing

    Not a big yield this yr but oh well what are ya gonna do whine about having weed lol . Almost done then gonna bag it n save it 4 when I'm less of a loser and deserve it more. This shit smells real good lol. Smokes pretty nice too. Im using El cheapo boveda knockoff humidity packets off Walmart...
  14. Spiveysrevenge

    2022 sativa harvest 6.6 oz

    Not baaaaaaaaad but not greatttttt either. But what are ya gonna do bitch about having weed lol? It was 6.6 oz in the end, well before I started smoking the last jar anyway. The rest has gotta last me tho cuz I don't even got a plug now. So it's off limits. Its actually pretty good. Also a pic...
  15. G

    11 weeks still no amber trichs.

    Hi . I'm new to the forum. Been growing off and on for years. But never really stayed solid in it. I have a green house now. And I'm currently building a winter setup. I have 2 really nice ak-48 ladies. Huge buds. And lots of them I imagine I'll get a pound from each at least. But. This...
  16. max316420

    Trimming machines???

    I’ve come to the point in my growing career where I absolutely despise trimming (been doing it for 20 years) and think it’s finally time to invest in a commercial grade trimming machine. Can anyone recommend a good trimming machine for commercial use that actually works right and doesn’t destroy...
  17. Blackketch

    Supersoil VS Liquid fertilizer

    Hello, for some time now I have been enticed by the idea of moving away from liquid fertilizers and would like to start approaching the world of super soil. I am about to buy a complete kit from lurpenatural with super soil (Charcoal, Bone Meal, Dolomite, Herb Blend, Azomite®, Kelp, Rock Dust...
  18. D

    G13 pineapple express & Barney's Ayauasca Purple

    Fellow growers, what's happening! *Disclaimer* I ALWAYS. Grow from seed and I ONLY purchase from the tude'. I usually grow synthetic in coco indoor but this run is pure organic. Outdoor. I'm so stoked...I've been an indoor grower for a long time - only my second outdoor run. This year I'm...
  19. Spiveysrevenge

    diagnosed schizophrenic at 28

    I was a late bloomer, a sweet summer child and i used to think i was ugly or short or a 6.5 inch penis was small and that was the worst of my problems....lol. I spent the last two years working manual labor with men who denied or negated the existence of mental health or the importance thereof...
  20. I

    My weed plant is starting to look worrying

    I’m not sure exactly how old it is, but it is at least 3 months in and 3 feet tall, I grow it outside. A few days ago I needed to get rid of some spider mites and suddenly the center leaves have started to change. Previously they had some whiteish dots from the mentioned spider mites and now...