Dry Ice Help


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting dry ice for the co2, which should let the temp become more compatible. (closet is probably gonna be around 86-91 F)

the question is...

Using dry ice, how much should I use and how often to maintain a good environment? the room is 8ft high x 2.5ft x 7ft

I'm going for 8 plants (and eventually remove the males, est half?)

again, thank you guys a lot! i know ya'll are probably tired of answering the same stuff over and over (but once i master this art, i will write a guide and give ya'll credit on the buds ;) ;)!!) Appreciation like a mofoka!! Buddha bless the internet!

P.S. If only I knew :')
Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talkin about, some real shit. Er Thank you!

I see...so...too much can be bad hmm...

So now I'm moving from dry ice to yeast in a jar. someone told me that if you fill a jar half way full and take off the lid during the night, the gasses (co2) will fall down onto the plants and restore em for a bright hot day that awaits them.

is this true? if I open the lid every single night and let teh plants suck it till the lights come on that it'll be able to handle a room temperature of 87-90F Degrees?

and that co2 releasing during the day is useless?
I would say don't worry about CO2 until you've got everything else working well. And you supplement with CO2 when the lights are on, not off.

HTH :mrgreen:
lol i tried the frozen milk gallon and so far its been an hour, it has dropped the temp by 1.2 degrees avg

so now at 2:30pm its at 91.4 degrees (god damn thats hot)

with these temps, i must have co2 for the plant right?

so i'm thinkin about setting on time around 4pm-10am (the coolest times)

around 8 or so it should drop a degree, around 12 should drop to around 89 and around 2-4am it should be around 88 without the frozen gallon of ice.

so if i regulate the gallon when its hot, it should bring the temp to around 91.4 at the hottest part of the day, 88 around mid point and down to 87

someone told me co2 works during the night and plants wont absorb it during the light time.

got any suggestions that could impact this high growin temp?
Exhaust the hot air !!!

Sorry for shouting, but you don't seem to be getting it. You will not be able to grow in that room with that light without an exhaust. Fuck the big popsickles and the science-fair-project in a jar, and fix the problem.

MH are hotter than HPS. Best way would be to air-cool the lamp.

HTH :mrgreen:
