New Farmer-CFL 2 weeks in


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I'm new at growing and managed to get a seed to germinate and sprout. I have no idea what kind of strain it is or if its a female yet. I have "it" under 1 45w and two other 23w, all CFL. My plant is in Miracle Grow dirt. Im goin to keep a journal on here but will only be able to update once or twice a week but will be checkin the post daily. Please feel free to give me suggestions as I will be needing help along the way. Right now its on a 24/7 light cycle and its about 2 1/2 weeks old. When should I change the light cycle and when should I transplant into a bigger pot? I took these pictures today and the plant is only out of her room for the pictures. Thanks all "sirus"


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Looking nice and healthy, what size is your growroom/box? :)

Its just in my regular size closet on one side in a shelvingn unit. about two feet in every way for a perfect box. I made a hhuge mistake last night addidng 4 more 23 w bulbs without a fan and now my plant is dry :cuss: My other little plant has sprouted and is doin fine though. I immediattly took the dry plant out and put it on my windowsill to get the sun and some air. Is my plant still goin to do alright? and what can i do to help it. the other plant is still strong but just sprouted like i mentioned. what are good, cheap fans i can use and obtain easily? thanks for any suggestions.
Alright so here is the updated pictures of the tragedy. I also got a pic of the light fixtures i got from home depot. They were 4 dollars each but came in two piece but I just put them together and went to self checkout :lol: . So it cost me 8 bucks for the fixtures and lights are free from a friend. I also got the thermostat there for 2.77 hahh. Anyway i managed to get the temp at a steady 25 or 77 degrees for americans. I cant have two of the lights on though or it will get way to hot . I still need a fan though...and no money.


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Do you have any old pcs lying around a few fans from them maybe
Water your plant if its dryed out :)
Well i got a fan from walmart last night for 5 bucks with two settings and is whisper quiet. The plant seemed to do better after one night, well a lot better but my temperature is still a little high.
So sorry for not keepin up on here but I have improved the shit outta the grow room and the plant is coming along excellent for the most part and the other one is starting to take off. I have 4 23w and a 43w in the middle. They are both looking great, the big one had almost died on me when it dried but is coming back great. Both of them have lots of purple in the stalks and stems.I got pictures of everything. I also tried cloning from the bigger plant but its not lookin to hopeful and was hoping to get some suggestions on how to clone. Lastly my lower leaves are turning yellow and there is some brown spots on others, is this normal? I guess not lastly but is it alright to start using fertilizers what ones?


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So I did some more research and i think that they are goin yellow because of the chlorine in my water. I usually have a couple jars of water out so the chlorine evaporates but i got lazy this last week and just used straight tap water. I got a bucket with a fish tank air bubbler to keep the water fresh and add oxygen for root growth now. Pray and pray for a girl
nice tat coltn! im a big kmk fan!
The yellowing is from a lack of nitrogen. also, if your using miracle grow mix you will want to mix it your soil when you transplant them into bigger pots with some perlite to loosen up the grow medium. this can help oxygen reach the roots and promote healthier growth.
thanks for the input guys, where do i get nitrogen from anyway? and how much perlite should i mix with the dirt, as in 5 cups dirt 1 cup perlite
There are 3 main components to plant fertilizers; Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). Depending on what stage of growth your cannabis is in, determines the nutrients. If you use in-water nutrients, be careful of how much and how often... reading the label could help prevent harm to your plants. I only water with nutrients every-other watering when working with soil. you can find decent nutrients at any garden center but if you want the nutes the pro's work with you will have to make a trip to your local hydroponic indoor gardening store.
As for the soil here is my favorite mix:
1) Mix in the portions of 50% pro mix (regular soil), 35% perlite and 15% vermiculite. This mix is nice and loose and will promote great and fast root growth. All though it doesn't retain water that well it is good for beginners because it will help safeguard against over watering. Plus if a beginner runs into problems with PH or over fertilization the properties of this soil make it quick and easy to remedy.
Lastly for a new gardener like yourself take the advice of legendary grower SeeMoreBuds:
"It is of great importance that the grow is done safely, and with enjoyment. Do not let the growing process bring negativity into your life, regardless of frailer or success. Everyone experiences unexpected broken branches, bug infestations and other obstacles. Remember that you are growing for enjoyment and you are in control of your own happiness"
right on again man thanks for the info. I went down to teh local grow shop today and got a lesson on a few things and he gave me a fertilzer for veg growth 20-20-20 and a ph testing kit with ph up and down for 20 bucks! As for the soil im on my way right now to get perlite and vermiculite and then transplant again into hopefully the last pot, its a bucket that kitty litter came in.
Good to hear! be extra carefull when transplanting so your established root system doesnt get damaged. a 20-20-20 fertalizer is good for veg. When applying any fertalizer make sure you mix the nutrients in your water before you balance your ph. for soil gardens keep your ph at about 6.0-6.5. keep up the good work and you should have some homegrown in no time!!
So here are a couple more pictures I took tonight after I transplanted. Everything seems to be goin well-got the temp at a steady 25 and started them on the new fertilizers. Also theres another pictures of the brown spots. It was mentioned that it was a lack of nitrogen so hopefully in a few days they leave. Hope you all enjoy and happy smokin :bigjoint:


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Looks like you got a nice indica growing. I would transplant now, into 3,4 or 5 gallon buckets. I would not use miracle grow soil, it contains slow release fertz that tend to burn the roots. Look for a sterilized organic potting soil. I would wait until it is at least 18 inches to take clones from them. On the main stem, if you look near the bottom, new shoots will be growing on each side of the main branch, when you see those shoots, they are your clones and should be at least 3 inches before you cut it. Yellow leaves at the bottom are probably caused by soil touching them. I would not use nutes for the first 5 weeks of grow, in your case you won't need any for awhile because MG has some in the soil.
Alright so i went and got a emergency blanket from walmart--3 dollars. and i put it up but i doubled it up because the blanket was a little translucent. I got them into a soil mixture with vermiculite-(no perlite that i could find) and i also added a 27w and another 43w so i now have 4 23w, 2 43w, and a 27w. That should be more than enough light. ive also been misting with bubbled water.I also think that these are two completely different types of weed- i germed some seeds that i saved from decent to dank bags. Any ideas anyone


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wow the only afghan weed i smoked was afghan kush so maybe its that. i fucken hope lol. but its not really smellin like weed yet-like kinda but not. the smaller one smells more like weed than my big one. and i just put the bigger one into that tub yesterday. its about a 2.5-3 gallon
o im lookin at the pics and didnt label them--the 2 close up are of the big one and the full shot is the small one