sex question and wtf2 do

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
So I thought I had a female and I think it is a male after 90 day veg (cause I am a novice) however I did a great job cloning and topping with it. Hence the 90 days (making sure the clones were good before I flowered) Question?
what would a grower do?

I have a male up top in my cab flowering after 10 days showed nodes or balls. see Pic for second opinion?????????????
Kill it off so it does not affect my two clones from dispensary? or flower it for seeds?

Can i let it (male in subject) flower and still keep my clones good or virgins if they never see a night longer then 8-1o hours?

Or will they get pollinated because the male--- inspite of the fact the girl clones are not in flower mode still get pollinated?

Also any good tricks to finding about sexing before wasting so much time on the wrong sex. Geez --- like buying a Tranny drinks LOL! :wall:


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
i think i may just toss those boys in the backyard let em seed for seed stock?
I do not think the male pollen will be evident till later--- like towards the end of flowering? i got anther month of vegging the girl clones from dispense Clone those again then flower them.