Warning: carcinogens found in Humboldt county's own products


Well-Known Member
Moderator Note: Please note that this is NOT Humboldt Nutrients, the company whose products you normally see in grow shops. This poison is from a small company, operating out of a garage, obviously stealing name recognition from the good company.

i was reading a thread on another forum and read this post which i think i should share with others. someone asked about using gravity and snowstorm, to bloom enhancers made by Humboldt County's Own. here is what the guy said:

i hope both of you take what im about to say very seriously. the great thing about consuming marijuana over other drugs is that its non addictive and non toxic. its so non toxic that it has many medicinal uses. why destroy that by adding carcinogenic PGR's that might slightly increase your yield or potency at the cost of making your medicine very toxic. its been pretty much proven beyond doubt that "Humboldt County's Own" lied about active ingredients in their products and put carcinogenic chemicals in products they knew would be applied to crops that would be consumed by humans. they let people get cancer for money. and now growers, either out of ignorance or greed are growing unhealthy marijuana everywhere just to get a slightly better yield.

i hope you heed my message and stay clear from "humboldt countys own" and other companies of the like. Bushmaster had chlormequat chloride in it (gives you cancer), while gravity had paclobutrazol (also cancer causing even though insufficient testing has put it in a gray area). unsure what SSU and their new product have in them, but they're either snake oils or most likely just more carcinogenic PGR's.

if either of you provide your marijuana to anybody else besides yourself, please be a decent human being and don't turn a healthy plant into a cancer causing drug. and it should be a good rule of thumb to never put questionable products in a crop you plan on consuming. otherwise you're no better than those cigarette companies in the 40's telling everybody that this carcinogenic product is healthy to use.

hope you listen,
he goes on further here:
Phosphoload was a mix of paclobutrazol and daminozide. basically cancer in a bottle. hope nobody but you smoked that weed you grew (hope you didn't smoke it either to be honest) with phosphoload, gravity, and bushmaster. and i hope you decide to give carcinogenic PGR's a break. if you really want to get the upper edge, there's non carcinogenic alternatives. Triacontanol, brassinosteroids, BAP... the list goes on.


"Based on the currently available toxicity information, DPR concluded that paclobutrazol causes adverse effects on liver function and developmental effects in rodents. DPR has further concluded that, in the absence of additional data to the contrary, paclobutrazol has the potential to cause similar effects in humans."

Annelida Mortality
AquaticPlants Biochemistry, Ecosystem Process, Growth, Morphology, Physiology, Population
Fish Accumulation, Biochemistry, Mortality
Molluscs Mortality
Phytoplankton Cell(s), Population
TerrestrialPlants Biochemistry, Growth, Mortality
Zooplankton Accumulation, Biochemistry, Intoxication, Mortality


in this case, mortality doesn't mean being mortal, it means massive dieoff.

there is a reason pacloburtazol can only be used legally for ornamental plants and not food crops. the only reasons that paclobutrazol isn't rated as a carcinogen is because it hasn't been properly tested as one, although it certainly kills animals wonderfully. i got nothing but respect for Glow, but if he really thinks PBZ is safe to use, i gotta disagree with him on that.
i was reading a thread on another forum and read this post which i think i should share with others. someone asked about using gravity and snowstorm, to bloom enhancers made by Humboldt County's Own. here is what the guy said:

he goes on further here:

*good read. thnx for the heads-up
thats crazy,cause i was at my hydro shop today,and seen that all of the humboldt line was 50% off,i askd him what was up,he said its not saleing fast....now i see this post,hmmm.

just might be some truth to this.:peace::peace::peace:
its funny i was asking about this a few weeks ago at the hydro store and they were having trouble getting it in stock. now i know why...
Things like this is the reason i started to grow my own, its also the reason i dont eat in crap fast food joints when i can make better at home. and know whats in my food. there is alot to be said for molasses.
to be honest this kind of fucking scares me. if this company is doing it then who know who else is doing it. also it does not seem that these products are being recalled nationwide. i thikn they are only being recalled in california. i guess these chemicals can only give cancer to people in cali. greed never ceases to amaze.
Organic growing seems to be the only sure way to not let something like this to happen, if this is true, your right where does it stop? Greed is such a bad thing for the world.
thats crazy,cause i was at my hydro shop today,and seen that all of the humboldt line was 50% off,i askd him what was up,he said its not saleing fast....now i see this post,hmmm.

just might be some truth to this.:peace::peace::peace:

same at my hydro shop 3 months ago...all humboldt products were half off
The real question here is, do the chemicals stay in the bud and if so does smoking destroy them are are they absorbed? Drinking it may cause serious issues (cancer not withstanding) but does it translate into cancerous smoke?
The real question here is, do the chemicals stay in the bud and if so does smoking destroy them are are they absorbed? Drinking it may cause serious issues (cancer not withstanding) but does it translate into cancerous smoke?

Look at it like the pesticides that they use in tobacco..if tobacco were natural it would not be as bad for you. The whole thing is that they are knowingly using carcinogenic toxic chemicals in a product that is being used for a product that is going to be consumed. Either way you look at it, its not good!
It makes be glad I am too cheap to use a bloom supplement in my hydro. Just Dutch Master Advanced flower and nothing more. Tried molasses, FAIL FAIL FAIL! That don't work in hydro for those reading this and not learned that yet. Root Rot in less that 24 hours and it will look like toilet paper in your res. Those are your dead roots.
I do use pest chemicals when needed, but I pride myself to use as little to none poison chemicals as I can to get a good grow.
well that fuckin sucks the big one. i just gave my whole crop their first feed with snowstorm :( guess ill be looking for good boost alternatives :(

EDIT: just shot an email off to them asking for a definitive answer. not saying i dont believe the OP i just want to hear what they have to say about it. i'll post the reply as and when it arives.