BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
We can take gravity bong hits until you forget wher eyou are.
Yeah 40 we'll get ripped and sample the hell out of each others crops.:joint::mrgreen:
Old fart indeed!! I'm 57 and have been toking a decade longer than you - so there! Actually, I've got to start figuring out how to use, so I thought I'd begin - at the beginning.
I've got a few Green Crack seeds I got with an 1/8th last month and I've also got a couple of "sentimental" seeds from years ago. (If you've got any thoughts on old, old seeds....)
I'm also using a vaporizer and am amazed how quickly and well my lungs cleared up!
Enough of an intro - I'm going to give your thread a good read before I bother you with inane questions.
have a good 'un
Welcome to RIU ljc, thanks for stopping by my journal.
I want to get one of those vaporizers myself, I keep hearing great things about them.
As far as old seeds they are great if they sprout.
I'll do what I can to answer your questions you old fart:roll:;-)
man bigguy hold your breath when you open those premade watering containers.(with molasses) they are sure to reek.
I watered using them last night and didn't notice any strong odor at all, sticky hands afterwards though. But thanks for the warning, I'm glad they weren't.:mrgreen:
Hey man sorry i havent been on top of things recently! Been really busy! Hope all is well, the girls are looking great! Not too long now!! Shame about the male! But it was to be expected! Just hope the m/f ratio stays in your favor! Keep up the good work my friend!
Well yeah, you're leaving tommorrow aren't you?
Cheers once again for stopping by, have a great vacation, and happy growing.:peace::mrgreen:
damn bigguy... you make me jealous. wish i would have started when you did! they look great!
hows the bugs (the ones eating the plants, not the mosquitoes)? mine still are munchin away... cant figure anything out.
sorry to hear about the male... but lets hope that hes one of only a few.

did you have any feminized seeds or were they all just normal?
Thanks herbtoker, I'm glad I started when I did too.
The bugs are still munching some, but at the moment they don't seem to be a big issue.
Yes, the Black Rose seeds were feminized.
Welcome to RUI, Ljc!
Yeah, what he said:mrgreen::peace:
Well I had a little disapointment last night when I found WR6 growing balls.
So with K5 that makes 2 so far, and thats still a really good ratio.
It was a hard thing to do when I had to yank them out, but damn did they have some roots too.
They got their first tastse of molasses in the water last night along w/ bloom nutes, well see how they and the bugs like it and go from there.
Here are some pics of the 2 boys before and WR6 after I pulled them out and close-ups of K1 & K7's preflowers as well as pics of all the LR's.:peace:



Well-Known Member
damn bigguy lookin good man... too bad to hear about the guys though...but still your not at a bad ratio at all, i had two males for my ten plants, i didn't think that was bad either considering that they were bagseed...
well anyways keep up the good work, got my fingers crossed for females buddy, peace out


Well-Known Member
damn bigguy lookin good man... too bad to hear about the guys though...but still your not at a bad ratio at all, i had two males for my ten plants, i didn't think that was bad either considering that they were bagseed...
well anyways keep up the good work, got my fingers crossed for females buddy, peace out
Thanks man, yeah I can't complain about the M-F ratio at all and neither can you. So far only 2 boys out of 20. I just hate losing any though, but hey less water to carry up the hill too.
Your's are looking awesome especially for bagseed.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the extra dude :( Still though the ratio is keeping in your favour! The molasses should really kick them into action! You thinking of making hash from the blokes? Could tie you over until your LR harvests at least lol. Yeah tomorrow evening is my last chance to sort them out then im off on Sat morning before lights go on. Weird knowing i wont be able to play with them for 3 weeks lol


Well-Known Member
that is along time giggle hope you have a trusting hand tending to your ladies. I,m glad there was no stink from the molasses bigguy. I wonder if i am doing something wrong my water with molasses stinks after 3 days of sitting. Either way plants dont seem to mind the funk.


Well-Known Member
Im off later fella, good luck over the next three weeks! I expect to come back to some beasts in your garden! Keep up the good work!



Well-Known Member
i lurk your grow all the time. all i can say is, what has been said many times already, beautiful growing.:joint::joint: may your harvests be bountiful and i have some more reading to do in here.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Im off later fella, good luck over the next three weeks! I expect to come back to some beasts in your garden! Keep up the good work!

Thanks TGP, hope you have a safe trip and come back to a great harvest.
Three weeks should be about right for mine to do the beastie thing, I hope we don't disapoint.
that is along time giggle hope you have a trusting hand tending to your ladies. I,m glad there was no stink from the molasses bigguy. I wonder if i am doing something wrong my water with molasses stinks after 3 days of sitting. Either way plants dont seem to mind the funk.
Yeah I definately expected the smell after sitting out in the heat, but I don't know why it didn't.
i lurk your grow all the time. all i can say is, what has been said many times already, beautiful growing.:joint::joint: may your harvests be bountiful and i have some more reading to do in here.:mrgreen:
Thanks again Masta, and thanks for the good blessing over the harvest.
You can lurk anytime, but it's good to hear from you now and then too.
What strain is the little mutant plant? good job man im impressed. :mrgreen::peace:
The one that I'd call the little mutant now that is in the pics above is Lowryder#2, plant #3 (LR3).
The one that started out as a mutant and is now turning into a bush is Heath's Black Rose (BR1).
Thanks for stopping by NSW and the compliments too, they never would have got this far without your helpful advise early on either.:peace:
I'll be posting pics later today, we've been rather busy the last couple days with our first grandchild being born (It's a boy !!! 20 inches long, 6 lbs. 15 oz.).:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well it's raining out again so I didn't have to water today, but I got out and took some pics between cloud-bursts.
I made up the jugs today for the next watering and I'm not going to give the LR's anymore bloom nutes, just molasses (1 Tbs - gal.).
I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to keep giving the rest of them the molasses w/ every watering at this point or every other watering. As it is right now the jugs are made up with just the bloom nutes for them and just molasses for the LR's. Actually I only had enough molasses for those 5 jugs anyway (it was only a 24 oz. jar).
Enjoy the pics.:mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:
P.S. The last pic is our new grandbaby (well technically my GF's grandbaby).



Well-Known Member
Damn BigGuy..lookin Sweet. like always haha.

sorry i havent been checkin in latley i have alotta shit going on with the g/f and all.

cute baby though. i hope to have of these days myself.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the new addition to the family!! And my lord look at all those beautiful girls!!!! your doin an awsome job bro!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
this journal just keeps getting better as they grow!

...then again, I guess that's typical of successful grows. Either way, keep it up... you've got yourself one kick ass crop on it's way!


Well-Known Member
Damn BigGuy..lookin Sweet. like always haha.

sorry i havent been checkin in latley i have alotta shit going on with the g/f and all.

cute baby though. i hope to have of these days myself.
Thank You, they say kids are a blessing, I just wish they didn't still live with us though.
Congrats on the new addition to the family!! And my lord look at all those beautiful girls!!!! your doin an awsome job bro!!:peace:
Thanks, Im doing what I can.
congrats on the baby, plant are looking fantastic, it is supposed to rain most this week.
Thanks, now the forcast here says no rain for a couple of days at least, so I'll be watering tonight.
this journal just keeps getting better as they grow!

...then again, I guess that's typical of successful grows. Either way, keep it up... you've got yourself one kick ass crop on it's way!
Thanks, I hope it gets even better then and I wish I could share more than just pics w/ all my friends here at RIU.
[BionicChronic];1006860 said:
damn your plants are lookin good man. i just updated my new grow journal in my thread. check it out=]
Thanks, I'll be stopping by to check it out.
lookin good,I have a few girls outdoors this year.Good Luck
Thanks Chewwy, do you have a journal up yet?


Well-Known Member
No,Ive just posted in the outdoor section,Hopefully ill post some pics today I have 1 Blueberry from seed that survived the flood & 10 durban poison clones I picked up after I lost my first batch they are all veggin on a roof right now til they go in the ground next week.Im also in your neck of the woods :hump:


Well-Known Member
damn bigguy looking great as always brotha... cute baby as well, along with the other babies :) can't believe how big they are getting... same as mine, cannot wait to see them start flowering i snapped some more pics and posted them today check it if ya got the time... keep up the good work and happy grown as always...peace