My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
wow. :shock:

BDW was trying to use this site to collect money from members. all he had to do was clear it with the SITE OWNER first. it's that easy.

gotta problem with the MODS? man up and take it to the boss. :mrgreen::peace:
And who was it that told him that he needed to do that to be able to advertise???Or did no body...???:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
And who was it that told him that he needed to do that to be able to advertise???Or did no body...???:blsmoke:

it's called "spam". come on, you can't come here and use this site to promote your product without the site owners approval. that's just common decency. :blsmoke:

do you know the "arrangement" riu has with gk or nirvana or anyone else who has products for sale? i don't but i know they have at least discussed it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
it's called "spam". come on, you can't come here and use this site to promote your product without the site owners approval. that's just common decency. :blsmoke:

do you know the "arrangement" riu has with gk or nirvana or anyone else who has products for sale? i don't but i know they have at least discussed it. :peace:
No i do not,And judging by what ive seen/read he does not know of advertising rights with websites.If it said in the rules no advertising of any kind unless permitted by site admin then that would be different.Every time somebody puts another sites link up thats advertising and people do it all the enforce all not just one is my point:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No i do not,And judging by what ive seen/read he does not know of advertising rights with websites.If it said in the rules no advertising of any kind unless permitted by site admin then that would be different.Every time somebody puts another sites link up thats advertising and people do it all the enforce all not just one is my point:blsmoke:

come on. this thread has been running how long? BDW comes in and baits everyone how often? "new video out any day now". come on. compare that to a posted link. come on, give me something good here. he did his best to "play" as many people as he could. he said he needed funds to "start a war chest". wtf? come on. then posted his EMAIL addy. come on. :roll::roll:

he can PM ROLLITUP if he wants to come back so bad. :blsmoke::peace:

i'm out. bongsmiliebongsmilie:weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
it's called "spam". come on, you can't come here and use this site to promote your product without the site owners approval. that's just common decency. :blsmoke:

do you know the "arrangement" riu has with gk or nirvana or anyone else who has products for sale? i don't but i know they have at least discussed it. :peace:
Spam: [SIZE=-1]The practice of blindly posting numerous messages or advertisements to a large number of unrelated and uninterested people.

It was relative and interesting to just about everyone including yourself. I believe you said "[/SIZE]come over, i got a cold beer for you. you deserve it."
I also think it's funny that all of the ridiculing in this thread is tolerated over this so called "spamming" ?
This thread should be closed. It makes no sense to ban him for "spamming" the thread and then keeping the very same thread alive.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
A bit out of context, but fdd, Do you keep all your harvest or sell some of it to the med clinics? Do you ever have to go and buy weed or does your harvest keep you toasted all year long?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Spam: [SIZE=-1]The practice of blindly posting numerous messages or advertisements to a large number of unrelated and uninterested people.

It was relative and interesting to just about everyone including yourself. I believe you said "[/SIZE]come over, i got a cold beer for you. you deserve it."
I also think it's funny that all of the ridiculing in this thread is tolerated over this so called "spamming" ?
This thread should be closed. It makes no sense to ban him for "spamming" the thread and then keeping the very same thread alive.
It started out as videos on youtube then we found out there was a dvd coming out....everyone got stoked and BDW was the shit,people were like oh im gonna buy his dvd i cant wait...Then all of the sudden this big ass spam fest starts and he's now a phony,and RIU did not want to edit the zekedogg post, then BDW had a fit and left for a bit only to return,then him and FDD and Zekedogg battled it put for awhile then awhile after that he was considered to be a spammer for advertising his dvd and was banned from the site...If i missed anything feel free to add but so far thats my interpretation of what went down.... Then he was battling with mods and zekedoggs...He was advertising since page one but it was never and issue until later and then it was brought up.I think its personal dislikes that got him banned...but thats neither here nor there,Plus if your a member here your supposed to be 18,and that means you should be old enough to tell if your getting ripped off..BDW is not ripping people off...He says make a 50$ donation and this is what you get..either its good deal in your eyes or its not your not obligated to buy it people have free will you know....You think people like Jorge cervantes,ed rosenthal,or marc emery got where they are for free or by giving away there knowledge for free..I dont think so and people give there money to see these people all the time, If marc emery posted a thread saying Buy seeds from "marc emery seeds" to support prohibition,Would you guys ban him from RIU merely because he did not clear it with the admin??even though he's one of the biggest pot activist in the world and does as much possible for the "medical marijuana cause" including charging money or taking donations....
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Well-Known Member
come on. this thread has been running how long? BDW comes in and baits everyone how often? "new video out any day now". come on. compare that to a posted link. come on, give me something good here. he did his best to "play" as many people as he could. he said he needed funds to "start a war chest". wtf? come on. then posted his EMAIL addy. come on. :roll::roll:

he can PM ROLLITUP if he wants to come back so bad. :blsmoke::peace:

i'm out. bongsmiliebongsmilie:weed::weed:
well since he's banned i guess he cant bait anyone:blsmoke:But im curious how was he baiting us..He said if you want to learn my tricks of the trade,buy my dvd...simple as that if you want his knowledge buy his dvd or just watch the free stuff and dont buy his dvd.People have free will they are not obligated to buy anything which is why i dont get it how its spam.He did answer questions/pm's i even asked him a question in his pm and got a response and it was a growing question straight from his dvd.."What nutes where you using for veg" His response was this...I use advanced nutrients,you can get them here...Ooops i think i just spammed:twisted::blsmoke::peace:
Advanced Nutrients Online: Sales Of Advanced Nutrients Products & Advanced Nutrient Growth Enhancers


Well-Known Member
he was soliciting members for money. call it what you want, he's gone.

once again, PM ROLLITUP. or are you all scared? it's easier to just come here and bash the mods. no?

i don't know what you all want anyways. BDW to be able to come back and say "any day now"? or him to come back and talk more shit about medical growers? what?

he was banned. it was approved by rollitup. if you want further action PM ROLLITUP!!!!! sheesh


New Member
He can just change his user name, and be back in 5 min anyways, so whats the use?

was he warned atleast! Seems kind of silly to me, but just a
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Well-Known Member
it's called "spam". come on, you can't come here and use this site to promote your product without the site owners approval. that's just common decency. :blsmoke:

do you know the "arrangement" riu has with gk or nirvana or anyone else who has products for sale? i don't but i know they have at least discussed it. :peace:
These are 2 points i agree 100% with,what GK or Nirvana does is irrelevant,i also agree that if ANY cash was to change hands from the use of this site then arrangements should have been made IN ADVANCE,this site is not free for RIU,it costs him money,BDW has a right to sell his videos but RIU also has the right to recoupe some of the investment he's made & still making into this site.


Well-Known Member
These are 2 points i agree 100% with,what GK or Nirvana does is irrelevant,i also agree that if ANY cash was to change hands from the use of this site then arrangements should have been made IN ADVANCE,this site is not free for RIU,it costs him money,BDW has a right to sell his videos but RIU also has the right to recoupe some of the investment he's made & still making into this site.
The owner of RIU is making good money off this site ( It takes mucho persistence and work to build a site up ). He is not out any cash here so don't worry heh.
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