Why hasnt Obama come out and made public comments on the VA scandal?


Well-Known Member
Has he not found time between golf and basketball games???

Are more script writers begin brought in to try to figure out how he can talk his way out of this given his remarks in the 2008 election??

Is he simply more interested in fund raising than addressing any of the problems in America?? Including the ones he is creating??

I was looking around the new site and the legal sections are gone from the bottom of the page. I guess it is not as important anymore since so many states are going legal. Anyway, I hurt my back on Monday and I was legal on Tuesday. It really hasnt sunk in yet. I cant go to a dispensary without a card but there are care givers that can provide for me right now and some deliver.

I'm legal ;]


Well-Known Member
Has he not found time between golf and basketball games???

Are more script writers begin brought in to try to figure out how he can talk his way out of this given his remarks in the 2008 election??

Is he simply more interested in fund raising than addressing any of the problems in America?? Including the ones he is creating??

I was looking around the new site and the legal sections are gone from the bottom of the page. I guess it is not as important anymore since so many states are going legal. Anyway, I hurt my back on Monday and I was legal on Tuesday. It really hasnt sunk in yet. I cant go to a dispensary without a card but there are care givers that can provide for me right now and some deliver.

I'm legal ;]
I can only dream.

Smoke one for me dude.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I listened to his excuses and whining and relocation of blame and was totally disappointed.

He will get around to fixing things when some department lackey nobody knows completes a report in an unspecified time.

All the while more veterans die from neglect...



Well-Known Member
Good thread. The original post seems to be more about mmj prescription than the title subject but post #5 brings the point back in the crosshairs.

22 veterans a day. Google that.


Well-Known Member
Good thread. The original post seems to be more about mmj prescription than the title subject but post #5 brings the point back in the crosshairs.

22 veterans a day. Google that.
I am sure it is worse than any of us know.

This is what he should have done.

#1. Fire Shinseki. He may be a war vet and he may have been a good general but he is a lousy administrator.

#2. Provide a way (or ask congress to provide a way) for any Veteran to get health care immediately through a private provider as long as it would normally be covered by the VA and have those costs reimbursed to the Vet.

#3. Appoint an investigative committee with powers to figure out who decided it was OK to start creating private lists and fire the top people involved and any others deemed part of the problem in the process.

#4. Appoint another committee to determine the current Veterans needs and to put together a plan to accomodate them going forward.

Personally, I would like to see the VA dissolved into private/government practice (medicare/medicaide) which I feel is more responsive and would offer the veterans more choice and flexibility.


Well-Known Member
So leave them at the mercy of private companies which operate for profit?

That would not get rid of the backlog of claims. It would still require a cut in gov't red tape to approve claims and if left in the hands of private corporations what you would end up with is every single compensation claim being handled in a way that maximizes profit without regard to the status of the veteran. Besides, the claims are not solely for healthcare but for the monthly stipend. You can't privatize that.


Well-Known Member
obama was already scheduled to address the VA at the time when you made this thread.

are you fucking stupid or something?
I watched some of it myself. For the amount of talking Obama did, there was a noticeable lack of "Uhh...uuhh, and ummm..." while he was speaking.

Things that make you go hmmmm...


Well-Known Member
Has he not found time between golf and basketball games???

Are more script writers begin brought in to try to figure out how he can talk his way out of this given his remarks in the 2008 election??

Is he simply more interested in fund raising than addressing any of the problems in America?? Including the ones he is creating??

I was looking around the new site and the legal sections are gone from the bottom of the page. I guess it is not as important anymore since so many states are going legal. Anyway, I hurt my back on Monday and I was legal on Tuesday. It really hasnt sunk in yet. I cant go to a dispensary without a card but there are care givers that can provide for me right now and some deliver.

I'm legal ;]
1st of all, the VA shit has been going on at least since Viet Nam. Actually since we fought in any war, but the beginning of the present SNAFU started 20 year ago in the Gulf wars, which again were started by a Republican, also named Bush. Secondly, Obama is again blamed by the GOP, for a situation they fucking created. Lastly, who did you have to blow to get a card the 2nd day after a injury. I want that doctor.


Well-Known Member
1st of all, the VA shit has been going on at least since Viet Nam. Actually since we fought in any war, but the beginning of the present SNAFU started 20 year ago in the Gulf wars, which again were started by a Republican, also named Bush. Secondly, Obama is again blamed by the GOP, for a situation they fucking created. Lastly, who did you have to blow to get a card the 2nd day after a injury. I want that doctor.
so why doesn't obama fix the problem?


Well-Known Member
1st of all, the VA shit has been going on at least since Viet Nam. Actually since we fought in any war, but the beginning of the present SNAFU started 20 year ago in the Gulf wars, which again were started by a Republican, also named Bush. Secondly, Obama is again blamed by the GOP, for a situation they fucking created. Lastly, who did you have to blow to get a card the 2nd day after a injury. I want that doctor.
to be fair he "services" about a dozen dudes a day at $20 a pop, so he probably has some deep connections.


Well-Known Member
Too many Republicans in the House for him to accomplish anything. Every appointee that he has ever made has had to jump thru hoops to get by those lame , fucking hillbilly redstate assholes in the Congress.
dems had control of congress at the end of bush jr's term they didn't really do anything with it though. maybe they don't want to spend the money.