

Well-Known Member
Whats your input on 2012?

heres what i know...

-myan and aztech calenders both end in this year
-the myans(maybe aztechs) predicted the tsunami and 9/11 thousands of years ago!
-most of the crop circles were aztech symbols
-its not the end but a new beginning? what ever that means



Well-Known Member
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Zeitgeist - The Movie

Whats your input on 2012?

heres what i know...

-myan and aztech calenders both end in this year
-the myans(maybe aztechs) predicted the tsunami and 9/11 thousands of years ago!
-most of the crop circles were aztech symbols
-its not the end but a new beginning? what ever that means



Well-Known Member
by 2012 the world as we know it will be change, as well as everything living on it. call it evolution, shift in consciousness, return of Christ, etc.

many (maybe all) religious books speak of this event.

there must be turmoil and chaos before the Earth can be cleansed.

i personally think a war with Iran is going to spark up the festivities.


Well-Known Member
Why would there NEED to be chaos though?

Its freaked me so bad and has made me so paranoid that underground bomb shelters or safe houses has been playin a big part in my thinking....

When i was a little kid the numbers 2012 were always in my dreams and just dreams of the world coming to an end has been happening all the way through until today..Call me crazy but ive predicted the craziest shit that people would never even believe...Little shit everyday like..

-getting a 'feeling' that the phone will ring and my head will automatically do a count down and when i hit one the phone will ring outta nowwhere

-thinking of a song in my head then turning on the radio and that song WILL be playing

-scrathing off a lotto and predicting the next number to be scratched..ALMOST IF NOT EVERYTIME!

one time when i was about 14-15 i had a bag of coupons from 'fun world' and a number popped in my head (1,201) and sure enough thats EXACTLY how many coupons i had...talk about scary...


Well-Known Member
The calander ends there because they had to stop some where, its not like they could make it infinite. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing has happend in the past. Be realistic.


Well-Known Member
they did'nt..... its bs .... why could'nt we stop it if we knew about it for a thousand years?


Well-Known Member
Lol no its because some idiot ( who wants to be famous ) made a claim about something the myan had written on a stone in a dead language. I really wouldnt rap my head around it. It sounds like your already losing yours.


Active Member
theres also alot going on our side our planet. Our solar system is passing trough the equator of the milky way on dec 21, 2012 and earths magnetic poles may shift bacislly whipeing out all computers and electronics (if it happens)

i think its gonna be a interesting day, i dont think itll be the end of the world


Well-Known Member
Why would there NEED to be chaos though?

Its freaked me so bad and has made me so paranoid that underground bomb shelters or safe houses has been playin a big part in my thinking....

When i was a little kid the numbers 2012 were always in my dreams and just dreams of the world coming to an end has been happening all the way through until today..Call me crazy but ive predicted the craziest shit that people would never even believe...Little shit everyday like..

-getting a 'feeling' that the phone will ring and my head will automatically do a count down and when i hit one the phone will ring outta nowwhere

-thinking of a song in my head then turning on the radio and that song WILL be playing

-scrathing off a lotto and predicting the next number to be scratched..ALMOST IF NOT EVERYTIME!

one time when i was about 14-15 i had a bag of coupons from 'fun world' and a number popped in my head (1,201) and sure enough thats EXACTLY how many coupons i had...talk about scary...
Dude SO many people can do that. It's natural. Now, the prevalence of these occurrences...a different story. I have dream's of my entire day before I live them almost every week. but to my understanding, a lot of people do. The radio play's the same songs all of the time...I won't even get into this. it's nothing to be worried about, like I said you are positively not the only person to do these thing's. I have read many books on these matters because I wanted to be a therapist.

and the 2012 shit? well, let's see what happens in the next 3 years and THEN have this discussion. it look's to me, though, that thing's are def. going to change in the next 3-4 years.


Well-Known Member
Ok fucked up question but has anybody had the urge to squirrel things away and get super organized? Iv'e been getting these urges lately and im wondering if im alone.:confused:


Well-Known Member
2012 is real...its coming...people are gonna go thru a shift in consciousness. an awakening so to speak. expect the world as u know it now to change forever...and for the better. if ur into the whole 2012 thing u might also wanna take a look into "indigo kids". indigos are gonna be the ones to help with the change and fix our poor world.


Well-Known Member
can you feel the suspense in the air? can you sense the "change" already occurring in people and animals?

the leaders of the New World Order have known about this and have been preparing for a long time. in the next few years you will see a huge push in NWO and peace within all nations. but many, many people will be extremely against this, so expect chaos beforehand.

YouTube - ENDGAME - Blueprint For Global Enslavement (part 14 of 14)

You seem like an intelligent person, you learn from youtube :mrgreen:

seriously the paranoia is what will bring about some crazy bull shit on '2012'. people are entitled to believe what they want, though.


Well-Known Member
internet is the best place to learn my friend.

who said people were paranoid about this anyway? there is a difference between being paranoid and informed.

so are you intelligent enough to ask questions and find the answers for yourself? or do you just accept what you're told, no questions asked?


Well-Known Member
2012 is real...its coming...people are gonna go thru a shift in consciousness. an awakening so to speak. expect the world as u know it now to change forever...and for the better. if ur into the whole 2012 thing u might also wanna take a look into "indigo kids". indigos are gonna be the ones to help with the change and fix our poor world.
someones been readin too much celestine prophecy