FOX Admits Obamacare Works!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! They are married but act like they are not even good friends...

I thought the Father In Law was going to make you the president of his multi-million dollar business bucky. Now he is bankrolling you??? You gonna try to service dudes?
many couples have separate finances not unusual at all.. what's unusual is that he has the cash (his daughter owes) and could help bucky and he chooses not.

fucking passive aggressive jew.


Well-Known Member
Did you think I actually cared? You are insecure enough that you feel you have to explain yourself to some random on a pot forum. Wow, you got it bad man.

But good for you for finally making a contribution. Making your wife "pay you back" after supporting you since I've been here is exactly how strong marriage foundations are built, good on ya.
how is SHE supporting him? name don't know a thing about bucky..he LET'S you know what he WANTS you to know.


Well-Known Member
many couples have separate finances not unusual at all.. what's unusual is that he has the cash (his daughter owes) and could help bucky and he chooses not.

fucking passive aggressive jew.
Bucky has repeatedly told us that he is a multi-millionaire yet he cannot get by without 2500 bucks??

Or are you just trying to get in the middle of them? Or both? Or all of the above??

It is worse than I thought in buckyland!!


Well-Known Member
how is SHE supporting him? name don't know a thing about bucky..he LET'S you know what he WANTS you to know.
Well, he obviously isnt supporting her ....

Again the facts prove him to be the lying bum that he is...

I wonder if his wife has to hide her cash to prevent him from stealing to fuel his alcoholism.


Well-Known Member
how is SHE supporting him? name don't know a thing about bucky..he LET'S you know what he WANTS you to know.
You have no idea how little fucks I give but Buck is the one wo said he made 5k and his wife made 20something. Turn that into whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
Bucky has repeatedly told us that he is a multi-millionaire yet he cannot get by without 2500 bucks??

Or are you just trying to get in the middle of them? Or both? Or all of the above??

It is worse than I thought in buckyland!!
not at all, just my 2 cents.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

do you know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars i've paid federal and state governments in my lifetime?

the fiscal crisis wasn't MY doing and i had a choice to make.

tough shit that someone has to pay it forward for me now.

you need to watch that shitty movie again
you didnt get the message it so laboriously attempted to convey

that film was so intensely serious about it's sickly sweet, syrupy message that kevin spacey had to go far beyond the bounds of good taste, and good cinema to beat us about the head and arms with it.

and you STILL failed to clock it's not at all subtle, entirely non-subtextual, painfully obvious, and tiresome "moral".


Well-Known Member

do you know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars i've paid federal and state governments in my lifetime?

the fiscal crisis wasn't MY doing and i had a choice to make.

tough shit that someone has to pay it forward for me now.


Wow. :neutral:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
not at all, just my 2 cents.
yeah, you need to keep defending poor defenseless bucky.
his shy and retiring nature makes him an easy victim for "internet bullies"

ohh if only there were some way to protect poor sensitive bucky form the evils words and hurt feels of interweb discourse...

whenever the left is losing the argument, in swoops bucky, or one of his brave band of Freedom Trollers to save the day, by changing the subject, derailing the thread, and making it All About Bucky.

Bucky's Likes
Bucky's Dislikes
Bucky's Past
Bucky's Future
Bucky's Penis
Bucky's Penis' Past
Bucky's Penis' Future
Bucky's Finances
What Bucky Thinks About Other Peoples' Finances
Bucky's Favorite Colour
Bucky's Sleep Apnea
Which Direction Bucky Wipes His Ass (some go front to back, others go back to front, Bucky: Side To Side.


Well-Known Member
Did you think I actually cared? You are insecure enough that you feel you have to explain yourself to some random on a pot forum. Wow, you got it bad man.

But good for you for finally making a contribution. Making your wife "pay you back" after supporting you since I've been here is exactly how strong marriage foundations are built, good on ya.
nice job on trying to tell another lie.

say, how's your wife doing?


wooops, almost forgot that she dropped your fat ass a while back.


Well-Known Member
Aren't married couples supposed to work on goals together, not individually?

Seems pretty selfish IMO to make your wife pay you back for something, but even worse to ask her to do a shake down on her parents for the dough. I suppose they have extra money and you don't so they may as well just give you some of theirs right? Its not like they worked for it or anything.
not like i worked for my money either.


Well-Known Member
apply free-market to healthcare, liberally, and watch costs come down, waste to disappear, and quality of care to go up.
why is that not the case in each and every other nation that covers all their citizens for less than it costs us to cover just some of ours?

why does each and every single one of those nations have more government involvement and less free market, and not the opposite?

i guess you are just too stupid to participate in this debate.


Well-Known Member
yet she moved and uprooted you to be closer to HER family.

your father-in-law is gonna bankroll you and yet he won't lend his daughter the $2500 she owes YOU in order to LIVE?

there's something not right about that bucky and i'm speaking from a mother-in-law perspective..which i am.

more like giving you the shaft and you want to go into biz with this guy?..
i can understand why he won;t help her with the move, it was her decision to move, she's an adult, and she should be able to cover it. i knew it was gonna be expensive to move across 4 states at the drop of a hat and that i wouldn't have a crop in, she didn;t seem to consider these things.

won't really matter in a few more days as i've started harvesting.


Well-Known Member
why is that not the case in each and every other nation that covers all their citizens for less than it costs us to cover just some of ours?

why does each and every single one of those nations have more government involvement and less free market, and not the opposite?

i guess you are just too stupid to participate in this debate.
I think I will participate anyway, your lordship

*folds Buck up like cheap Chinese-made beach chair*