Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC


Well-Known Member
I support the right of a private citizen to walk home from the store without being followed and harassed.
No, you support the "right" of thugs to attack others. You support the "right" to slander. You support the "right" to welsh on a bet.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman will get nothing..even if they toss a little dough his way, his lawyer and the one he owes still will take that away as soon as he gets it...IF he gets anything


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman will get nothing..even if they toss a little dough his way, his lawyer and the one he owes still will take that away as soon as he gets it...IF he gets anything
I'd ask if you want to bet on that, but I know you never pay your bets.


Well-Known Member
No, you support the "right" of thugs to attack others. You support the "right" to slander. You support the "right" to welsh on a bet.
blah blah blah..you already showed how dumb you are thinking Cheney did not profit off the war in Iraq.
Do you think anyone now listens to you seriously now.


Well-Known Member
anyone who thinks Jorge Zimmerman has a case is a loser, Apache Junction, and those in it are bad, all Republicans are racists.

people of color and women, good. white men bad.
I guess I better side with the white men, and pick up race identity again. sad, but better victory than death.......in the Hillary Clinton Memorial Re-Education Center


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah..you already showed how dumb yo are thinking Cheney did not profit off the war in Iraq.
Do you think anyone now listens to you seriously now.
I said Cheney sold his stock before taking office. Don't make up shit I didn't say and argue about that, Mr. dishonorable, lying piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
anyone who thinks Jorge Zimmerman has a case is a loser, he doesn't but you can wish Apache Junction, and those in it are bad, all Republicans are racists.not all republicans are racist,but you do have more then a few who are

people of color and women, good.not all white men bad. not all
I guess I better side with the white men, and pick up race identity again. sad, but better victory than death.......in the Hillary Clinton Memorial Re-Education Center
answer in red ^^^^^^^


Well-Known Member
We actually don't know who touched who first...I guess you actually believe Casey Anthony was innocent too. The courts can get it wrong... would you not agree ??
But you already have stated Zimmerman was the aggressor, many, many times. You just admitted you were lying.


Well-Known Member
I said Cheney sold his stock before taking office. Don't make up shit I didn't say and argue about that, Mr. dishonorable, lying piece of shit.
when asked " did Cheney profit off the war" you replied " I don't think so"
What idiot don't know how and if Cheney profited off the war..I give you a hint
name is a color and rhymes with SPED


Well-Known Member
You are quick to accuse others of lying, but slow to prove it. Usually (always?) you end up proving them correct. Perhaps you should learn to stop putting both feet in your mouth.
really, red?

She's not a descendant, either. Just a liar. Hey! You have something in common!
schulaar, surely you know a bill was passed in the house to specifically pay the military, but was pocket vetoed by Reid. So, are you a liar, or just ignorant? I'm pretty sure Cruz doesn't keep 29 billion laying around the house.
I don't ask liars for information. If what you say is true, you could easily prove it. Seems like I hit a nerve there. Just how fat are you? Fat? Damn fat? Or DAMN!!!!
I omitted nothing. Pretending opposition somehow doesn't count when a liberal states it is both asinine and a lie. I resent a liar like you having the audacity to pretend I lied. Tell us more how Schumer never made the statements we all saw on the video.
Oh. so you DO watch Fox! Even the parts no one else ever watches. I'm not going to pretend I watch the credits, but I find it hard to believe they say "This is all lies and misinformation". Yes, that's right, I'm calling you a liar. I need a citation.
Fail? You were beaten to a pulp! You can't possibly be so stupid as to think there is something left to debate, so I can only deduce that you are just a liar.
You seem to reward liars by trying to give them rep on a regular basis. Frankly, your eager acceptance of even the most ridiculous lie just because you want to believe it has caused me to lose respect for you.[/QUOTE]

"i don't speak negatively in general..so no." .....Liar............"speaking negatively against the commander-in-chief, the president is un-american" Really? After 15 years of incessant bitching about Booosh, or every president to hold office, ever, suddenly it's un-american? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Is there a point in there? And McCarthyism was about Communism, not a sitting president. And NOBODY disappeared. Liar.