Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
So I don't grow, anything actually. I actually killed a cactus once - and they be HARD to kill...

But I am interested in learning more about high CBD strains.

The one I am getting from my LP is...12.5% THC, and 6.3% CBD.

I'd like to find something (or eventually grow something) that has the highest CBD and lowest THC content.

Me mum wants to not be in pain and for her 'thritis to feel better - but she does NOT want to be high.

Any idears?



Well-Known Member
So I don't grow, anything actually. I actually killed a cactus once - and they be HARD to kill...

But I am interested in learning more about high CBD strains.

The one I am getting from my LP is...12.5% THC, and 6.3% CBD.

I'd like to find something (or eventually grow something) that has the highest CBD and lowest THC content.

Me mum wants to not be in pain and for her 'thritis to feel better - but she does NOT want to be high.

Any idears?

View attachment 3219845
These are all high cbd strains. :wink:


So I don't grow, anything actually. I actually killed a cactus once - and they be HARD to kill...

But I am interested in learning more about high CBD strains.

The one I am getting from my LP is...12.5% THC, and 6.3% CBD.

I'd like to find something (or eventually grow something) that has the highest CBD and lowest THC content.

Me mum wants to not be in pain and for her 'thritis to feel better - but she does NOT want to be high.

Any idears?

View attachment 3219845
I've heard good things about Barney' high cbd low thc barney's ;)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha :D

Who needs it? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yeah, still high as a kite!!! :mrgreen:
Well from my experience, no one. :wink:
I tried to get some bud from my fiancees brother earlier. haha. He said his dude is tapped out.
Told him I'm gonna hook him up with some medical when it gets done cause he said he is gonna try and find something. I won't get it till I get back if he does, but hey whatever works.

He also said it would prob be reg, but hey. I'll take what I can get.


Well from my experience, no one. :wink:
I tried to get some bud from my fiancees brother earlier. haha. He said his dude is tapped out.
Told him I'm gonna hook him up with some medical when it gets done cause he said he is gonna try and find something. I won't get it till I get back if he does, but hey whatever works.

He also said it would prob be reg, but hey. I'll take what I can get.
Hell you and me both brother! I got mine today..a whole stinky bag of sticky ass mids. Pretty good stuff. Not the best I've ever had but it stones me :D
Ok so I have the Cannatonic.

I saw the CW documentary - I don't know if I could ever smoke that weeds without tearing up though...
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See..that is exactly what me and my former partner were going in to business to produce. It breaks my heart for those kids to be in pain or having seizures to the point they can't function as the children they are.


Well-Known Member
Oh - I'm CANADA - so I need to get something that one of the 13 Licensed Producers carry. I just got my first order, I think I will end up shopping around. Just have about 31 more flavours to choose from...
My fiancee was talking about moving there the other day.

May have to consider it.
Do you happen to know what the IT market is like up there?

I'm a database/hardware/software admin.


Well-Known Member
Hell you and me both brother! I got mine today..a whole stinky bag of sticky ass mids. Pretty good stuff. Not the best I've ever had but it stones me :D

See..that is exactly what me and my former partner were going in to business to produce. It breaks my heart for those kids to be in pain or having seizures to the point they can't function as the children they are.
Yea, I'm glad you did too. I know you were needing it with everything going on.

Was that to much, should I delete this? LoL


Oh - I'm CANADA - so I need to get something that one of the 13 Licensed Producers carry. I just got my first order, I think I will end up shopping around. Just have about 31 more flavours to choose from...
I knew there was a reason I liked you! :D I saw the thread earlier where you guys were discussing a brand.


Well-Known Member
You said it bro! It was VERY much needed.

Naw, no
Yea, I need mine but oh well.
My appetite is still sort of messed up. I wrote myself a note on my tin to not eat while I'm high anymore so I don't have to go through this feeling.

You already know I won't sleep much. :lol:


Yea, I need mine but oh well.
My appetite is still sort of messed up. I wrote myself a note on my tin to not eat while I'm high anymore so I don't have to go through this feeling.

You already know I won't sleep much. :lol:

you'll be back sooner than she thinks huh? ;) lol sorry your appetite is screwed. Nothin worse.