Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
What are you using for VPN now? I've been muddling through tons of those services but haven't really found one I'm sure of yet. Don't want to spend more than a few dollars a month on it, I don't need all the extra BS they try to push on you.
I use a virtual machine. Vmware, I have the full version with different platforms installed. I have win xp and 7, server 08 and ubuntu desktop. I usually use my 7 with vuze installed with a massive list of blocked ips.


Well-Known Member
I use a virtual machine. Vmware, I have the full version with different platforms installed. I have win xp and 7, server 08 and ubuntu desktop. I usually use my 7 with vuze installed with a massive list of blocked ips.
Damn and that techie brain of yours. I wish I had stayed in the field. Any that you think I could trust or no? I was told by someone around here to do the bitcoins and shit but fuck..that stuff is way too complicated and I just don't like the idea of sending someone I've never met before money and trusting them to do the right thing. Hell I can't even give my kin money without
I'm only somewhat stoned now and I knew before. There would be no way for me to forget since top gun is my favorite movie of all time. So :P
It is a great movie! tell me..did you tear up when ol Goose died? I cried like a


Well-Known Member
Damn and that techie brain of yours. I wish I had stayed in the field. Any that you think I could trust or no? I was told by someone around here to do the bitcoins and shit but fuck..that stuff is way too complicated and I just don't like the idea of sending someone I've never met before money and trusting them to do the right thing. Hell I can't even give my kin money without
It is a great movie! tell me..did you tear up when ol Goose died? I cried like a
I think you should find free programs to use and do some research and reading to find out what would be a good thing for you to use. If you want to know how to use bitcoins there is a tutorial I wrote a long time ago on this site. I don't use that stuff anymore, not worth it to me.
I was young when I first seen that movie so no. Now I expect it. I watched it today and like 2 days ago as well. LoL


Well-Known Member
I think you should find free programs to use and do some research and reading to find out what would be a good thing for you to use. If you want to know how to use bitcoins there is a tutorial I wrote a long time ago on this site. I don't use that stuff anymore, not worth it to me.
I was young when I first seen that movie so no. Now I expect it. I watched it today and like 2 days ago as well. LoL
Dude..I have. I've searched a lot and the only free ones I found, I'm not sure if I trust or not. I really don't want to use the bitcoins, seems to risky to me to be worth all that damn trouble. How young? Oh yeah..I forget your just a young'


Well-Known Member
Dude..I have. I've searched a lot and the only free ones I found, I'm not sure if I trust or not. I really don't want to use the bitcoins, seems to risky to me to be worth all that damn trouble. How young? Oh yeah..I forget your just a young'
By free I mean, find a program you like and find it in a torrent and run the program that way. I would never tell you to buy anything that you can easily obtain for free using the web. :wink:


Well-Known Member
yes, I like them without the glass around them as well.
Wow bro..what made you want to do that? curious...
Well, there are a lot of things actually.

I knew I talked about it a lot to my fiancee about joining the military, but I didn't realize how much until the other day. I bring it up quite a bit, mainly because I've wanted to join the military for a while since I was young. I feel like I was bred for it and the way I'm built tells me I was bred to do something like it.

But after thinking about it, I could use it to pay off the rest of my student loans. Military people get first pick on top government jobs ( was thinking long term like CIA) I would get to work in my field once I came back from basic and my job would be a computer tech or I would work in intelligence.

I can ace the asvab and I'm already in decent shape so basic wouldn't be shit, except me missing my fiancee.

I'm sure there is more I'm missing, but that stuff would more than likely not happen cause my fiancee would kill me if I went into combat. LoL

But that is the gist of it.
Pays off student loans
Pick of jobs
Better pay
Get to fulfill a dream I've had for a long long time
Good insurance for my family