Name That Movie!!!


Well-Known Member
damn i can't believe i spaced on that shit... Boondock Saints... when he falls out of the ceiling and caps all those mobsters.. fucking awesome

"Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina"
kindergarden cop

i aint going back to prison dog. next time county or state see me, its gonna in a bag


Well-Known Member
american psyco

From now on, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. No blackjack no dope deals, no nothing. A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street. Now it's my turn.


Well-Known Member
i seriously dont think you guys are stoners. i work in a video store and couldnt even remember half of those quotes even though ive seen all the movies your mentioning.


Well-Known Member
haha dude, if i'm not out, i'm lit and watching movies

plus c'mon, most of those are well known quotes


Well-Known Member
nah not clerks (although i should've used "don't suck any dick on the way to the parking lot"


Well-Known Member
mad max 3

The AK-47. When you absolutley, positively got to kill every last motherfucker in tha room!"


Well-Known Member
Anyways so how does this work someone( currently primeralives ) gets to name a line from a movie until someone get's it and then that person gets to name a line from a movie or what?

Also how long do you wait for a correct answer?