Stoned drivers are a lots safer then drunks and now its proven

Most of the older people can probably tell you many, many years ago we would get pulled over and be shit faced drunk. The law would just say, better go straight home, don't let me see you out anymore tonight. Years and years latter came the DUI, DWI, OMVI etc., etc.
So, when that amount of time has passed we might see a more accurate limits with weed.
Put it in the trunk and if we catch you in an hour......... :)

Did you know that you can drink and BOAT in New York? and they do not pull you over unless you seem ....well Impaired. Other than that they wave at you with your beer held high,,,,
cheers occifer ;lol:
you said it first..."anyone here could shove 1000 mg's up their ass and never show any sign of being high :lol:" haha
watch out for stems!
Frozen cocco nut oil and oil.

Self applicating :lol:

No stems no seeds that you don"t need.......................................
You're absolutely right on that point- it was forced through by anti legalization haters who want to see legal marijuana users get harassed as much as possible- just because they can.
I quit using weed for a month for a pre employment test. I was at 16 nano grams at the end of the month without smoking anything. 5 nano grams is so unrealistic.
If someone who doesn't smoke much gets blazed, they're going to be a danger to others on the road. If said person ODs on edibles, he's going to be a danger to people on the sidewalk, too!
Having looked at this from many perspectives, it's an issue of having to protect society from the worst case idiot scenario.

Here lies the problem , different people have different tollerances & different drugs have different effects on people , how can you protect against those with weak tollerances or who are an ignoramus under normal conditions , then add weed & they freak out ? Only hard core users dont suffer lessoned motor skills & impared brain function , casual users are greatly effected .

So does that mean i can never drive?
Ive been smoking mj for twenty years i dont even remember what a buzz feels like. Im high all the time now i smoke to relax my muscle spasms so i can drive

You cant feel a buzz & most likely have no imparement from smoking a joint but most people aren't like us , most people dont use drugs every day & build up a tollerance where the chemical reaction dont impare their functionallity .

My wife & i are great examples , she can outsmoke most men i know , on her bad days ive seen her vape a half ounce , eat a half dozen medibles & do some dabs & you'd never know she's high , whereas with me if i smoke a whole joint by myself im stoned , i dont get all stupid & silly but im definetly stoned .

Were both pain management patients , her from Multiple Scleurosis & me from 3rd degree burns , damaged nerves , multiple herniated & damaged discs , damaged vertibre , ruptured dural sak , broken back & over a dozen surgeries & skin grafts .

Im on pain meds & will be for the rest of my life unless neuro surgery science grows ten fold anytime soon so im stuck taking narcotics , some days i can take 2 80 mg Oxycontin & 2 8mg Dilaudid & you'd never know im on a lethal doseage of narcotics , i managed multi million dollar construction projects for years taking high dose pain meds & performed flawlessly , i can think & function at normal levels as long as i can control the pain from taking over .

My wife is prescribed 30mg Roxycodone 3 x daily & if she even takes one of them she's stoned , the medicine makes her fall asleep & she's groggy & not able to focus or concentrate .

Its about tollerances , my wife should never drive after taking her pain meds but she could drive perfectly after a half hour vape session , me now i would be able to drive a car perfectly or ride a motorcycle without incident after taking 80mg oxycontin but after smoking a joint no friggen way , my reactions would be altered .

Most peoples action & reaction responses are effected when using any drug while driving & that makes them more dangerous than sober drivers , saying its ok for stoners to drive while stoned is the equivalant of saying its ok for a fully functional alcoholic to drive while under the influence .
I think if someone is impaired and swerving and hoping over curbs they should be pulled over and field sobriety tested if they fail take their car i agree theres no room for people being impaired on the road.

My problem is who gets to judge whos truly sober..
I would pass every test a cop would ask but id definitely be 100 times over say colorados 5 nano gram limit.

For arguments sake i will also say this. the most impaired drivers on the road are really really old slow drivers that probably havent been to the dr in 20 years. They would pass all the same sobriety tests but it wont make the roads any safer cus they are still blind driving away.
I never used to like driving so it was always a very wakeful event for me. Now I'm ok...I'm not nodding off any more though!
You cant feel a buzz & most likely have no imparement from smoking a joint but most people aren't like us , most people dont use drugs every day & build up a tollerance where the chemical reaction dont impare their functionallity .

My wife & i are great examples , she can outsmoke most men i know , on her bad days ive seen her vape a half ounce , eat a half dozen medibles & do some dabs & you'd never know she's high , whereas with me if i smoke a whole joint by myself im stoned , i dont get all stupid & silly but im definetly stoned .

Were both pain management patients , her from Multiple Scleurosis & me from 3rd degree burns , damaged nerves , multiple herniated & damaged discs , damaged vertibre , ruptured dural sak , broken back & over a dozen surgeries & skin grafts .

Im on pain meds & will be for the rest of my life unless neuro surgery science grows ten fold anytime soon so im stuck taking narcotics , some days i can take 2 80 mg Oxycontin & 2 8mg Dilaudid & you'd never know im on a lethal doseage of narcotics , i managed multi million dollar construction projects for years taking high dose pain meds & performed flawlessly , i can think & function at normal levels as long as i can control the pain from taking over .

My wife is prescribed 30mg Roxycodone 3 x daily & if she even takes one of them she's stoned , the medicine makes her fall asleep & she's groggy & not able to focus or concentrate .

Its about tollerances , my wife should never drive after taking her pain meds but she could drive perfectly after a half hour vape session , me now i would be able to drive a car perfectly or ride a motorcycle without incident after taking 80mg oxycontin but after smoking a joint no friggen way , my reactions would be altered .

Most peoples action & reaction responses are effected when using any drug while driving & that makes them more dangerous than sober drivers , saying its ok for stoners to drive while stoned is the equivalant of saying its ok for a fully functional alcoholic to drive while under the influence .
your wife sounds like mine. i am sure I could put her blood on a paper & catch a buzz from what she uses in mmj...and you would never know she was high. she can do everything she did before she was in pain (except walk very well) while using mmj.
if they do go through with this, i would like to see them testing for narcotics in other drivers and apply the same for their medicine
your wife sounds like mine. i am sure I could put her blood on a paper & catch a buzz from what she uses in mmj...and you would never know she was high. she can do everything she did before she was in pain (except walk very well) while using mmj.
if they do go through with this, i would like to see them testing for narcotics in other drivers and apply the same for their medicine

I agree , if they are gonna test for mj & booze they need to test for opiates & such , prescription meds are more dangerous than pot & never get tested for .
If you smoke & drive please roll carefully
If you can roll a joint while driving and keep the vehicle between the lines your good to go.

That brought back a memory , when i was just starting out as a laborer i worked with a guy who could push a wheelbarrow & roll a doob at the same time , they j's were pregnant but still tasty & a welcome relief in the hot sun .
born with knees after all.........:-?

Try learning how to roll with one hand

Thats how my friend twisted em up with one hand , he'd have one hand lifting n pushing the wheelbarrow & be twisting one up while we were pushing the cement .

In a regular setting like lunch or after work he could twist em up one handed & they were perfectly rolled , i'll never forget watching him in amazement , it was like watching Picasso paint or some shit , absolute artistry , he could roll the biggest perfect jibbers with a zig zag orange too , they were so fat it was like he only had enough paper left to lick , i dont know how he did it , they looked like a factory joint where it had just enough paper where the glue barley touched the other side of the paper & they were as big as my middle finger .

As an add on back in the 70's i did alot of driving with my knees , chopping lines , cleaning weed , rolling J's & opening beers one after another .