my 1st trip on acid what a crazy night!!!


New Member
ok my brother owed me a hundred dollers so he started out by giving me a 10 doller bill and i was pissed because he was supposed to get me a O of weed that night soo he said here ill get u the money tomorrow and he said to occupy yourself tonight ill give u a hit of acid so at first i was kinda of sketchy about taking it. but in the end i did and the story after this is wild..

here it all started aroud 10.
i went and made 2 cheese burgers and went up stairs and i watched jackass #2.
then i was not felling any thing until i went out side
i looked at the bamboo and it was tell me a message like asvdd.
idk what it meant
soo i stared at the ground under my trampoline and i seen a bunch of mushrooms grinning at me with a smiley face
i jumped off my trampoline and started running like a fucken deer
and boy i was moving
then i went back inside and chilled and watched you tube acid videos
and was looking at the tunnels
then i called a bunch of people up
and just talked
about the tunnels i had seen on you tube.
after that i was thinking about all kinds of stuff like why did DSL internet spell lsd backwards. then i got it the owner who was doing lsd wanted his internet to go fast made a fast internet and called it dsl so he wouldent get in trouble for calling it LSD.
when i finally thought i was done tripping i tried to go to sleep but i couldent. so i sat up in my bed and looked at my closet and dam it was tall never realized that i had a tall closet and on top of that it started to turn on its side. so i closed my eyes and finally fell asleep..

crazy night

now i just got 2 more hits tonight so do u think i should take it or not i might freak the fuck out if thats what 1 hit does to me..


Well-Known Member
haha where do you live? there has got to be cooler shit to do than that like mountains or the beach or a forest. mainly outdoors, being inside on acid for me in like being trapped in a box.


Well-Known Member
for the love of god, take two together... at least do yourself that favor. one hit is fun, two hits might be enough for you to feel the spiritual component. don't be scared, it can't hurt you in any way, that is unless YOU do something that hurts, but fear has prevented many people from experincing the amazing altered consciousness of multiple hits of acid. Honestly i prefer five or six, maybe a ten strip for a festival or something. anyway, EAT IT... EAT IT ALL ...DONT BE A PUSSY


Well-Known Member
Make sure you load up on vitamin c before you take it like all day before you take it.Lsd robs youre body of it and you wont trip as good without it!!!.Trust me im a veteran of a thousand psychic wars!!!!LOLWish i was trippin with ya.


Well-Known Member
i have no prob with him being 16
Woomeister you are a tool "rules are rules" how fucken gay is that shit