Tomorrow is Mother's Day


Well-Known Member
Working a buffet for 320 early tomorrow, taking mom out for dim sum brunch on Monday or Tuesday instead to celebrate...and maybe takin my dad out to a fancy 3 course meal of wild game at a local hoidy toidy restaurant for his birthday that night(was his birthday yesterday)


Well-Known Member
I'm cooking my mother, grandmother and I think my aunt dinner.

I will also be gracious and only drink till I remember what I'm cooking. gifts no bueno but I do have spare love to give.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Working a buffet for 320 early tomorrow, taking mom out for dim sum brunch on Monday or Tuesday instead to celebrate...and maybe takin my dad out to a fancy 3 course meal of wild game at a local hoidy toidy restaurant for his birthday that night(was his birthday yesterday)
So I'm looking at this thinking what the hell? When did 320 become something........ oh dear.... good pot LOL I'll take the 6'er and thank you kind sir :) but you and the lovely lady will need to get together with me to drink :) thank you


Well-Known Member
So all you guys get your ass out on the street and get the mother of your children SOMETHING and not a bowling ball named Homer!

LOL :) if you would like to get me anything I'm allergic to flowers so you'd get a twofer ha ha!
You're not allergic to all flowers are you?

I got my wife flowers, card, boots, clothes, and whatever else she charged to the Macy's card lol.


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Staff member
Happy mothers day to all you sexy mamas on here, @Diabolical666 @curious2garden @Flaming Pie @RB86 and any other I might have missed. Thanks for being a mother.

I'm going dirt bike riding with the guys. Gonna be smoking bud, drinking beer, and riding through the mountains tomorrow.
Thank you for the sweet wishes. I'm thinking of taking the Glock, Rifles and Shotgun out and molesting some beer cans :) In case I'm to hungover from tonight have a good time for me LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh c'mon menu please? :) a girl can dream LOL
Dunno how she can be my mom, she doesn't bbq, but loves it......Sooooooooooooooo\

Tri-tip, 2hr marinated in red vino/soy sauce with my blend of herbs, then bbq'd over oak wood. Fortunately we both like it blood rare
Home grown artichokes...........dressed with garlic, basil, black pepper, drizzled with irish butter then steamed.
Home grown blue potatoes, mashed, with a multi choice of dressings
french vanilla ice cream dressed with fresh blackberries

She'll crash and I'll go home and drink ;)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Dunno how she can be my mom, she doesn't bbq, but loves it......Sooooooooooooooo\

Tri-tip, 2hr marinated in red vino/soy sauce with my blend of herbs, then bbq'd over oak wood. Fortunately we both like it blood rare
Home grown artichokes...........dressed with garlic, basil, black pepper, drizzled with irish butter then steamed.
Home grown blue potatoes, mashed, with a multi choice of dressings
french vanilla ice cream dressed with fresh blackberries

She'll crash and I'll go home and drink ;)
Ok negotiations went well when did you wish to bang the redhead?
PS I like my meat so rare it eats my salad and veggies for me :D


Well-Known Member
We are going out to brunch tomorrow morning. I hope we are not expecting of much as we are planning on oing to one of the best brunch places in the city on mother's day at a place that doesn't take reservations. Well I hope it isn't raining.

I got my wife a pair of expensive boots for Mother's Day. The sort of thing she wouldn't buy for herself but will love having for many many years to come (I am a big believer in boot longevity through maintenance - 250,000 miles is normal). I got her a pair by the same maker nine years ago on our first Christmas and they still look amazing.