It aint growing fast enough


Active Member
Howzit guys !

My little project is not growing fast enough. Everything I have read on the net says that my white widow plant should be growing at a very noticeable rate and it isn’t. In the past week that they have been growing I have turned the lights off twice for about 5 hours each time apart from that they have been on.

Should I be worried or just leave it.

Trix ! :blsmoke:

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
You should buy a light timer, its not important give them too much light when young because, if you give them loads expecting them to take off youd be wrong coz they GROW more in the dark than they do in light as they strech for it?

PS if there only small plants ie 3 to 6 inches i would have them on 8 hours a day and start working the time up to 18 as the plant grows.

Hope This Helps


Active Member
They are about 25mm high ( about an inch ) 3 leafs. Nope still in the same 500ml water bottle that they started out in. I have lost 3 plants so far but the 3 left are looking good just not growing at the rate that I read about

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
500 Mil Water bottle???? RE POT IMMEDIATLY not enough drainage perhaps?
Get something made for the job at hand with adequate root space and good drainage.


Active Member
Here is some details about the grow area.

My grow area is in my roof between the roof tiles and ceiling, the height is about 5 foot the hot water geyser is about 10 feet away from the grow area and the temperature is about 40c (100f). I have 4 long life lights on the 6 plants. The plant height is about 40mm (inch and a half). It is winter for me right now, but it is anything but winter, day time temp is 25c (77f) and night time is 12c (54f). I started out with 6 but I am down to 3

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
Yeah 25 to 27 degrees is perfect cultivation temp 40 degrees however is too much get some ossilating fans up there...

Go to your nearest diy shop ang get
3 plant pots 1 ossilating fan
and a timer if u want to make life easier

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
In fact forget what i just said think about growing somewhwre else coz a fan aint gonna cool 40 degrees it will just turbo charge it into your plants