Former KKK Grand Dragon Explains Why Racists Like Trump


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will never own up to just why racists and white supremacists are flocking to his presidential campaign, or why his rallies are increasingly marred by ugly outbursts of racially fueled violence.

One outspoken anti-racist has an explanation: Trump speaks to the issues that America’s white supremacists care about.

Scott Shepherd, a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan—who once called ex-KKK leader David Duke a good friend—sees strong similarities between Duke’s campaigns for public office and Trump’s GOP Presidential bid.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will never own up to just why racists and white supremacists are flocking to his presidential campaign, or why his rallies are increasingly marred by ugly outbursts of racially fueled violence.

One outspoken anti-racist has an explanation: Trump speaks to the issues that America’s white supremacists care about.

Scott Shepherd, a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan—who once called ex-KKK leader David Duke a good friend—sees strong similarities between Duke’s campaigns for public office and Trump’s GOP Presidential bid.
Do u ever do anything else besides bitch and complain about white people? Shouldn't u be at your high paying job right now?


Well-Known Member
I am. Ain't America great?
I'm really starting to think u are full of shit. From what I see u spend the vast majority of yur waking hours on this website bitching about things u have no control over whatsoever. Your time would be better spent actually doing something about all these injustices rather than making the people around you miserable with your constant complaining about all the perceived racism all around you. You must be a real buzzkill in person.


Well-Known Member
I'm really starting to think u are full of shit. From what I see u spend the vast majority of yur waking hours on this website bitching about things u have no control over whatsoever. Your time would be better spent actually doing something about all these injustices rather than making the people around you miserable with your constant complaining about all the perceived racism all around you. You must be a real buzzkill in person.
You're to stupid to realize that I'm accomplishing exactly what I set out to do. I'm winning the game. You just don't understand the rules.


Well-Known Member
You're to stupid to realize that I'm accomplishing exactly what I set out to do. I'm winning the game.
You aren't winning shit, yur making yourself and everyone who has to be around you miserable. You really sound like a broken record stuck on a bad song


Well-Known Member
What are you winning? What have u accomplished wasting countless hours biitching about everything on a pot growers website?


Well-Known Member
You have no idea what I am or am not doing. Keep doing you though.
I have a good idea what u do because u spend most of your waking hours just complaining about whitey holding you down. You really should put your pc away every once in awhile and enjoy life. One of these days your going to have a heart attack in front of a screen.


Well-Known Member
I have a good idea what u do because u spend most of your waking hours just complaining about whitey holding you down. You really should put your pc away every once in awhile and enjoy life. One of these days your going to have a heart attack in front of a screen.
Tell whitey to stop fucking up, and I'll have nothing to complain about. I've noticed though that not once have you ever refuted the substance of what I've said. Your problem seems to be with the fact that I'm "complaining" about it. Kinda sounds like the very definition of white privilege, no?
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Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will never own up to just why racists and white supremacists are flocking to his presidential campaign, or why his rallies are increasingly marred by ugly outbursts of racially fueled violence.

One outspoken anti-racist has an explanation: Trump speaks to the issues that America’s white supremacists care about.

Scott Shepherd, a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan—who once called ex-KKK leader David Duke a good friend—sees strong similarities between Duke’s campaigns for public office and Trump’s GOP Presidential bid.


Well-Known Member
I got the word white privilege from you and your buddies, you guys seem to believe it is the root of all evil in the world. I don't call it white privilege, I call it enjoying the fruit of mine and all my ancestors hard work and sacrifice over many,many generations. That is where having privilege comes from.


Well-Known Member
I got the word white privilege from you and your buddies, you guys seem to believe it is the root of all evil in the world. I don't call it white privilege, I call it enjoying the fruit of mine and all my ancestors hard work and sacrifice over many,many generations. That is where having privilege comes from.
Lol, no you don't.