What the fuck is going on

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
i live in se us, and brother here is a term of endearment. we say it at church, work, hanging out with friends or the neighbors, and even with strangers. it's just polite, like saying buddy. after all, we ARE all human, so in that way if even that way only, we are all related.
brother is a term of endearment everywhere, or at least best be. maybe it's a regional thing. does tend to take on subtle significance when said to a stranger, whose meaning may differ for anyone. I like to error on the side of not being presumptuous or even mildly offensive, with brief acquaintances

up north or out east, someone on the street starts calling me brother, I wonder what the next question is going to be. Hey Brother! Then something like, can I borrow five dollars, my car just broke down and I need to buy gas. *itch itch scratch scratch*

Hey guy or hey buddy sounds plenty friendly. If I had a lil more in common, I may make the leap to referring to an acquaintance as a sibling. Too intimate of a term for me to call a stranger. Maybe it's a generational thing too


Well-Known Member
I think you are missing the point here... When I use the "brother" it is in this context

Person 1 "Can you describe the individual ?"

Person 2 (this would be me in this scenario) He was a brother.

I am not Hulk Hogan running around town referring to everyone as "Brother"
I understand this I'm just saying it will never be something that blacks see as racist


Well-Known Member
All this imbecility And not one "hey nice plane" you guys suck
In this forum boys with their toys means boys playing with sock puppets not super nice rc planes. It's super nice I think you should post a macro of the nose to make people feel worse.


Well-Known Member
If address a male generically, I'd do it as, Sir. Or man. Or guy. I'm not gonna call anyone brother until I know them reasonably well. Then when I call someone brother it is genuine and known as heartfelt.

Wish I had a brother! I haz no biological brother.


Well-Known Member
If address a male generically, I'd do it as, Sir. Or man. Or guy. I'm not gonna call anyone brother until I know them reasonably well. Then when I call someone brother it is genuine and known as heartfelt.

Wish I had a brother! I haz no biological brother.
I always thought you were more a Dude type of dude.


Well-Known Member
RC airplanes are sooooooooo 20th century.

When you gonna catch up with the times and build some DRONES, bro?
Hey !man I still play with model airplanes. Something about the smell of the exhaust, the need for a runway, and plus model airplanes run wayyyy longer than a drone.
Just wait. Soon I'll be doing air drops to my clients.
"bay doors open" little 1 lb parachute packs will carpet your front lawn " maybe we can add some computer guidance


Well-Known Member
Hey !man I still play with model airplanes. Something about the smell of the exhaust, the need for a runway, and plus model airplanes run wayyyy longer than a drone.
Just wait. Soon I'll be doing air drops to my clients.
"bay doors open" little 1 lb parachute packs will carpet your front lawn " maybe we can add some computer guidance
Bruh. Do you even drone?

Drones are not VTOL aircraft. The definition involves the ability for it to fly itself. Most drones are in fact fixed wing aircraft.