Trump Nailed it!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL! dude the Democrat Convention is about to show why no one should ever think about the republican party.


Well-Known Member
Odd how he released them to the gaming authorities when he wanted to buy a casino but when asked why he would not release them during a run for President he answered "because they're none of your business".

No, not unless you are running for President or something.

Trump has a lot to hide and would be more crooked than Nixon ever dreamed of.

Messianic asshole petty dictator. "I, and I alone, can save you" indeed.


Well-Known Member
His daughter did well too! Oh, and she looked fucking fantastic wearing a dress that cost $139.00 that she designed herself. I think it would be a hoot for all the Trump supporters out there that are women went out and bought that dress and wore it for the inauguration!!!

Funny how quick she was to Tweet a shopping link to that dress. Oh, how this idiot and his evil brood would cheapen the White House and impoverish this country.

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
So you report bribes to the IRS now? I wasn't aware of those being in a tax filing. All of what you hope to find in Trump's statement is already known about the Clintons and their foundation.

Looks like more platitudes and name calling. Clees, don't have an embolism. Your self-perceived moral supremacy doesn't effect having no factual information to corroborate your opinions. You are an emotional wreck.


Well-Known Member
So you report bribes to the IRS now? I wasn't aware of those being in a tax filing. All of what you hope to find in Trump's statement is already known about the Clinton's and their foundation.

Looks like more platitudes and name calling. Clees, don't have an embolism. Your self-perceived moral supremacy doesn't effect having no factual information to corroborate your opinions. You are an emotional wreck.
Chump can't get Minorities or Women........DEAL WITH IT! :D


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate on that "great deal", Mr. keyboard warrior? What exactly do you expect to see, as an expert on tax documentation? (here's a hint, you don't actually know what you're talking about, but you feel angry)
Milli Asscraft you're a brick headed lout You're giving me hint? You're not, imbecile child. "expert on tax documentation" What? You fucking phony jack ass. Your arguments are masterpieces of head up your ass deafness with the stench of faux erudition and arrogance.

This same idea is why you demand the right to inspect a good before you buy it, or if it’s in a box, you demand the right to return it if it turns out to be a dud. You can’t return presidents, which is why voters have traditionally demanded the right to inspect them first.

There’s something distinct about information: Refusing to share it doesn’t keep voters in the dark. If they think about why, the choice not to reveal it is very revealing.

a candidate would hide tax returns only if they paint a terrible picture about finances and integrity. (If there were the risk that Mr. Trump’s returns would reveal commercially valuable information, that would be a reason that he could be not-seedy yet still want to keep his returns private. He has yet to make this argument, though.)


Well-Known Member
Tax Filings are always relevant.....and since chump has been.....BRIBING both the Democrats and Republicans it would show over the last 10 years exactly how he had been trying to Manipulate the American people. To think that he has not been planning to is ludicrous.

This Man Donald Trump has one Agenda and that is to make America into an Isolated Country.
Dont forget Make America Hate Again


Well-Known Member
Listen Man.....if you want legal MJ........................................................................Dude you know what's RIGHT..........................

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Milli Asscraft you're a brick headed lout You're giving me hint? You're not, imbecile child. "expert on tax documentation" What? You fucking phony jack ass. Your arguments are masterpieces of head up your ass deafness with the stench of faux erudition and arrogance.

This same idea is why you demand the right to inspect a good before you buy it, or if it’s in a box, you demand the right to return it if it turns out to be a dud. You can’t return presidents, which is why voters have traditionally demanded the right to inspect them first.

There’s something distinct about information: Refusing to share it doesn’t keep voters in the dark. If they think about why, the choice not to reveal it is very revealing.

a candidate would hide tax returns only if they paint a terrible picture about finances and integrity. (If there were the risk that Mr. Trump’s returns would reveal commercially valuable information, that would be a reason that he could be not-seedy yet still want to keep his returns private. He has yet to make this argument, though.)
Seeing a lot of platitude and opinions here. For a guy with superior critical thinking skills, you sure do read the NYT like the Bible. "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda". Remember that's little nugget of truth from the NYT?

WTF! lmao! Dude is waaaaaay gone!
That's on record, the Clinton Foundation took in 100m dollars in donations from a Canadian mining firm before brokering congressional approval to sell Uranium mining shares in Utah and Colorado to the Russian government. That's factually accurate. When you close your eyes, the world doesn't actually disappear.

Tax records would prove absolutely nothing other than declaring how much money Trump made last year. The sources of that money are not declared in tax statements, only that the money exists. You've got absolutely no clue what you're mad about. Emotional wreck.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Pence,there's another nut job that would like to bring the christian version of sharia law to our country. Did you hear about the woman in his state that was given twenty years in prison for self aborting her pregnancy. And how about Putin helping Trump get elected,looking like he's behind the DNC email hack.
For killing her child. Used to be considered a life. The democrats have worked very hard to change the definition and value of life.


Well-Known Member
Seeing a lot of platitude and opinions here. For a guy with superior critical thinking skills, you sure do read the NYT like the Bible. "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda". Remember that's little nugget of truth from the NYT?

That's on record, the Clinton Foundation took in 100m dollars in donations from a Canadian mining firm before brokering congressional approval to sell Uranium mining shares in Utah and Colorado to the Russian government. That's factually accurate. When you close your eyes, the world doesn't actually disappear.

Tax records would prove absolutely nothing other than declaring how much money Trump made last year. The sources of that money are not declared in tax statements, only that the money exists. You've got absolutely no clue what you're mad about. Emotional wreck.
Dude your shit has become straight up laughably ridiculous. Youre catching nothing but mockery and derision for your pathetic statements and cringe worthy claims and absence of logic.

Youve melted into a pool of wretched ignorance, arrogance and denial.

*stop repeating platitude, broken record jackass


Well-Known Member
They're publicly available up until 2015, that's currently being audited. You don't release statements under audit, that's how tax audits work for every other person in the country.
IRS: Trump Can Release Tax Returns While Under Audit

Donald Trump can release his tax information while he is being audited, the IRS said on Friday.

Federal privacy laws bar the Internal Revenue Service from discussing individual tax concerns, but "nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information," the agency told USA Today in a statement.

The IRS, without specifically naming the Republican front-runner, challenged Trump's assertions that his audit resulted from religious or political issues.

"The IRS stresses that audits of tax returns are based on the information contained on the taxpayer's return and the underlying tax law — nothing else," according to the statement. "Politics and religion do not factor into this.

"The audit process is handled by career, non-partisan civil servants, and we have processes in place to safeguard the exam process."

During Thursday's debate in Houston, Trump was hammered repeatedly about releasing his tax returns — and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney called on him to do the same thing earlier this week.

Trump said that he would do so once the audit was completed.