Sen. Elizabeth Warren aka Fauxakhauntas Unfriends Hillary on Twitter - Shit is Getting Real


Well-Known Member
Your gaydar is way off and needs to be recalibrated. I'm assuming the topic is now - gay stuff.
Is Buckold in the conversation?
If so, do you need to ask? He'll tell you you and all your friends are gay because of the denial that haunts his every waking moment when he wakes in his room next to that of "that woman" (who most people know as his wife).

He's the one that's always talking about it.

It's been a thing since Shakespeare's time:
"The lady doth protest too much."


Well-Known Member
Well WTF are we talking about here? Everytime I try and jump in the conversation people want to change subject all of the sudden. Should we just stick with the OP? Why do you think Elizabitch unfriended Hillary?
I'm cool if you want to talk about your feelings. I won't judge you. When ever you are ready to come out, I will be one that supports your coming. Do anyone in your family know that you prefer men ?


Well-Known Member
Your gaydar is way off and needs to be recalibrated. I'm assuming the topic is now - gay stuff.
Are you slurping the retarded boy's feces from this "hookah"? It might explain his mid-coitus expression. Your face - accentuated by the sleazebag 'wrestlers ring' facial hair - is so rotund that it's hard to tell what you are doing with your lips.....

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Well-Known Member
You realize that everyone (with the exception of a few fellow sewer dwelling nazis) on this site loathes you and your existence here is a stain on the community?
Translation: you hate anyone who disagrees with you. Except Islam, their beliefs you can tolerate.


Well-Known Member
not bent out of shape, just calling it like I see it. Are you upset ?
I explained the math knowing you would poo poo the claim. It is pretty simple arithmetic. Your sight needs correction if you cant figure it out after I made it so plain.

Why would I be upset at a successful business I work hard at? My question to you is why do you care so much, especially when I explain how I am going to make a lot more than you do.


Well-Known Member
I explained the math knowing you would poo poo the claim. It is pretty simple arithmetic. Your sight needs correction if you cant figure it out after I made it so plain.

Why would I be upset at a successful business I work hard at? My question to you is why do you care so much, especially when I explain how I am going to make a lot more than you do.
yes you did explain the math on how you as a home inspector could make 288,000 which would make you the highest paid home inspector EVER...unfortunately the real world says the most you might make would be about 60,000.
Just one of my laundromats pulls that ( I have two plus a cleaners), but you do make more a year than my pension from the USAF, that only comes to about 42,500. I have not touch my pension pay in about 5 years going on 6.
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Well-Known Member
I have been a home inspector for over 10 years and I recently started my own business in January.

so yes and yes.

Are you really this stupid or are you just playing obtuse cause you got no defense for the Hildabeast?
I do a number of things. Currently I work as a home inspector and also I run a home watch business.
Absolutely... Over 35 bucks an hour. Likely more than I will make as a home inspector but the HI job is less physical and I dont have to fix anything.
I am not sure why you dont think it is.

If you are not looking down on manual labor then what is it?

I was a home inspector before I cleaned pools. I cleaned pools because it was more money and easier work than home inspection. I went back to home inspection because it is less physical and managed to sell my business for over 50K...

Where exactly do you see the failure?

I am proud of what I did, what I created, what I am creating now and what I will create in the future.

Are you proud that you spend the bulk of your days being a general asshole on a pot message board?
but now you claim you as a home inspector can pull 288,000 . You seem confused


Well-Known Member
but now you claim you as a home inspector can pull 288,000 . You seem confused
I showed you the math. Do you dispute something about it? The comments about making less than $35.00 per hour was when I decided to become an EMPLOYEE and work for a company. That worked out for about a year and a half. Then I started my own company.. Try to keep up!! Now working for myself and with a computer program I wrote my income is > $50/hr.

BTW, I can hire people to do inspections just as you have multiple laundramats. So, the 288K is not the top end, it is just the top end that would be physically possible for me. I would hire people long before I reached that limit. I figure my capability is more in the range of $150K per year before I need to expand.